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Everything posted by ober

  1. Yeah... I don't get it either.  She's not that great.
  2. How about we just go along with it and not come up with ideas to skirt around it, eh?
  3. I can't vouch for python or json... never used either.  Look... you have to understand something.  If you can make something work with one language... why not keep using that language?  You'd be further ahead to master one language and then look elsewhere when you NEED to squeeze microseconds off of your processing time or you run into something that your current language can't do.  It's like this... I can put a penny in my toolbox and probably use it to unscrew quite a few flat-head screws.  But if I have a screwdriver that does the same thing but it's easier for me to use, why would I use the penny??
  4. http://www.json.org/ Maybe you should do some of your own research before asking questions about languages you have no idea about? http://www.baetzler.de/humor/c_more_or_less.html - c+ is a joke.
  5. ... this doesn't need to be a poll and could be discussed in misc.  I also agree with the ad-ish feeling about this.  Thread closed.
  6. You can build a game... but don't expect to crank out WoW or Battlefield2... or anything complicated.  You need designers, audio people, physics people, etc, etc.  It's not just for loops and array manipulation. And you can study whatever you want... knock yourself out.
  7. [quote author=neylitalo link=topic=106377.msg444903#msg444903 date=1159742924] I wouldn't go that far - top 10, maybe. UT2004 is #1 on my list. [/quote] eww... the origional UT is still the best of the bunch.
  8. Why does everyone always have to have something free?  You can't afford $5/mo?
  9. A CMS can take on many different forms.  The only way I can see a C++ CMS being more powerful than PHP is if the CMS interacts with the actual server.  PHP can interact with the server in some ways, but not quite as easily as C++.  "10 times more powerful" is kind of a BS statement meant to inflate one's ego, IMHO. The other languages are just other tools you can use... they're not going to make your presence much bigger unless you develop something like server software.  Also, c+ doesn't exist and .net is not a language.. it's a framework.  Java is also tricky because the server has to have a Java framework and has to be running something like Tomcat to serve JSPs if that's the route you want to go. I have no idea about consoles... many PC games are in C++.
  10. ..... not sure exactly what you mean, but you can't call a javascript function from PHP.  PHP executes on the server... javascript executes on the client.  Those are 2 different times.
  11. Ok... then I suggest you read through some tutorials or search the web for a framework that already exists.  No one here is going to write it for you or walk you through it step by step. If you hack something together and can't get it to work, post it up and we'll help you.
  12. Sorry, I don't have any experience with xajax... have you worked with any of their examples?
  13. You don't need to use AJAX to refresh an iframe.  That's the whole point of using iframes... you can reload content in them without refreshing the entire page. But if you still want to learn AJAX, check out www.ajaxfreaks.com and read through some of the tutorials.
  14. I've made a request... we'll see what happens.
  15. With all the security issues and such involved with a project on the scale of a multi-user, multi-input piece of software like a set of forums, you're better off going with a supported, feature-rich option like SMF.
  16. You might try the javascript board on webdevelopers.com/forums.  That's where I usually head for JS help.
  17. Yeah... just setup another call to mail().  The second call will have completely different details.
  18. Eh... I'm stuck with PHP4 for this client.  I think I'll go with the first method, but I hadn't thought of passing the property and the value... the client will be updating these, so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible.
  19. Nevermind... I'm an idiot.  I forgot I could do $objectname->varname = x outside of the class.
  20. ober


    Can you explain what you mean by the "first" one?  You mean it sent the email to one person or it sent the email out to everyone once and it won't do it again?
  21. Unless I'm mistaken, those values are in the $_POST array.  I only saw those in your database.
  22. I am making a new product display class and I have all kinds of settings that are seperate variables within the class.  Is there an easy way to update these values without creating a ton of small functions like this: [code] <?php function update_headerbgcolor($color) {       this->headerbgcolor = $color; } ?>[/code] Any help appreciated.
  23. Since this board is for POLLS... I added one.
  24. 1 course in ASM?  Granted, my degree was in Computer Engineering, but I think the CS guys at my univeristy had to take at least 2 ASM classes.  We had 2 assembly classes that were based off of Motorola processors and then we were also required to take a third distributed systems class that involved combining assembly and C.  Then we also had a capstone class that involved microprocessors and assembly as well. And granted, very few people really need to know assembly as a language, but the concepts you build from working with it are invaluable.  You really get to see and learn how simple loops work in C to see how you can improve efficiency.  (not that I really remember some of that now, but it was interesting at the time and has pushed me to really think about my loops and whatnot executes. 
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