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Everything posted by trq

  1. Means that the function cannot do not have a body, they don't actually implement the functionality. eg; abstract protected function exampleFunction();
  2. /usr/bin/env php Should can generally be relied upon.
  3. If you are so limited for time, why not try reading the manual instead of asking your questions here and waiting for a reply? It would be a lot more efficient. http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-sqlite.php
  4. Its comments like these that make your threads so hilarious HOF. Unfortunately for you though, the more you repeat these sentiments, the more watered down your opinions become and eventually, it gets to the point where they have no worth at all.
  5. You missed this pinned topic?
  6. Have you tried the sqlite3 extension or PDO?
  7. Where do you see this message? You need to provide information if you want help.
  8. Sounds feasible. I would personally prefer to use a queuing system of some sort, but whatever floats your boat.
  9. And your code?
  10. You probably should have mentioned that then. The title of your thread is very misleading.
  11. Do you just want access to this sqlite db file? Is that what you are actually asking? PHP ships with an sqlite extension: see http://php.net/sqlite More specifically take a look at http://php.net/manual/en/function.sqlite-open.php. Once you have the opened the database, you can execute sql queries against it.
  12. I created a simple static site generator a while back (initially to document my framework), maybe that'll be of some use: https://github.com/trq/gen
  13. So.. where exactly are you stuck?
  14. I'm not sure what that statement means.
  15. You wouldn't use php for that. Its a client side issue, use Javascript. <html> <head> <script src="http://codeorigin.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready( function() { $('#select').change( function() { location.href = $(this).val(); }); }); </script> </head> <body> Select Your School: <form method="post"> <select> <option value="lccc.php">Lorain County Community College</option> <option value="csu.php">Cleveland State University</option> </select> </form> </body> </html>
  16. What do you want to import it into?
  17. No it can't. Not without editing your code. Kinda misses the entire point of using a class.
  18. Cool, thanks for sharing.
  19. I removed your link the first time because this smelt a bit of spam, please don't keep adding it back in to your posts. You can add it to your signature if you like.
  20. No need to reinvent the wheel here IMO. Composer ships with a perfectly capable autoloader, use it.
  21. Tell them its breaking shit. We backport fixes to old versions, but that bumps the minor version number. Thats how it works.
  22. Where is $state set?
  23. selected is not a valid attribute that belong to a select element. You need to put it on the option element. eg; <option value="ACT"<?php ($State == 'ACT') ? ' "selected"' : '';?>>ACT</option>
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