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Everything posted by trq

  1. I don't see Debian on your list, why? I don't see much point in Mint or Ubuntu, you may as well stick with Windows. But really, what do you want to use Linux for? If its just for lamp development, just install Vagrant onto your Windows machine and run up a VM whenever you need it. that way you can use whatever distro you need for the job at hand. If you want to use it as your everyday machine, then why run it side by side with Windows?
  2. Nothing to do with your php.ini. Do you have a mail server configured? PHP needs access to a mail server in order to send email.
  3. Configure a mail server.
  4. There is not much I like about Fuel as a framework. You can't judge a book by its cover.
  5. I guess that is its one drawback at the moment though. The docs are still lacking. There is heaps in the code base that isn't documented. Having said that though, there irc channel is awesome and I have rarely been left stuck.
  6. Honestly, the community is growing everyday. Its also backed by a few (all be it small) businesses.
  7. Do you have a specific question? Where are you stuck?
  8. Laravel is much better designed than Laravel IMO, and the community (while small) is super active, helpful and excited about the project. We are banking quite a bit on Laravel at work, and I have really started investing plenty of time into it myself. IMO, it is one of the more exciting projects around.
  9. The sticky threads at the top of this forum were made sticky so that these topics weren't created over and over again. If you have exhausted these resources, then I have no further suggestions.
  10. Indeed, curl makes http requests.
  11. You forgot to ask a question.
  12. Can wee see the relevant parts of this db class?
  13. You might want to describe one issue at a time and post some relevant code. You have provided little for us to go on.
  14. I'm with kicken. I really don't see any use case for such a library.
  15. And that error is?
  16. displayLikes does not display anything. You might need to describe what you are actually doing.
  17. So you want us to hack someone elses code for you? Not going to happen.
  18. Please, CodeIgnitor is probably the worst designed/written of all the frameworks. its really not good code to be learning from unless of course you want to learn how to write poorly designed code.
  19. Passwords are stored (or at least should be) as a hash, so there is no way of knowing how long the original password is. Are you planning an storing the length of the unhashed password somewhere? Then you could just use: echo str_repeat("*", $passlength);
  20. What made you think posting the same question twice would be a good idea? Especially considering it is again our rules.
  21. And this: echo '<br />'.sizeof($_SESSION['ids']['$products']); With: echo '<br />'.sizeof($_SESSION['ids']);
  22. Replace this: $products = array(); $products[] = $pid // Add to session $_SESSION['ids'] = $products; With: $_SESSION['ids'][] = $pid;
  23. Either the descriptions of your problem is off or your posting code that doesn't seem relevant. What exactly is the issue at hand and can we see some relevant code?
  24. Variables are not interpolated when within single quoted strings.
  25. You need to be more specific about where it is exactly you are stuck.
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