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Everything posted by KevinM1

  1. With new clients there's also the building of overall trust, which can be a process in itself. It's one thing to claim "My job is to build you a site that can increase your bottom line." It's another to prove it to them. And any client that cares about their own business will be hesitant with each step.
  2. I find that a good portion of any project is spent playing babysitter/psychiatrist for the client. Writing code is the trivial part.
  3. I don't think any of us have paid for online courses. We mostly learned through good books, good free sites (do not go to w3schools. they're horrible.), and practice.
  4. 1. AVG sucks. It hasn't been good since 06/07. 2. How did the PC repairman delete AVG? AVG has its own, standalone uninstall program that needs to be run. Simply going into add/remove programs won't do it. 3. Once you're sure AVG has been removed properly, install Microsoft Security Essentials. It's the best free Windows AV program available. Link: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/security-essentials-download 4. Once that's installed, run an Eicar test to make sure it's working properly: http://www.eicar.org/85-0-Download.html 5. Install Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (free version) and run a scan: http://www.malwarebytes.org/ 6. Be skeptical of PC repairmen. I worked for one for a bit. Pretty shady charging $60+/hr for running the same free virus tools I just gave links to.
  5. Pretty good. The biggest things that stand out at a glance are the logo and category graphics. The logo just abruptly stops on the right hand side, making the gray end at a straight line. You need some sort of gradient transition there. For the category graphics further down the index, I really dislike the font. It's a chunky serif font on a site that's dominated by normal-to-slender sans-serif fonts, so it looks out of place and jarring to me.
  6. What do they mean by 'Generator'? Coroutines is an interesting addition. Disappointed they haven't embraced property syntax.
  7. The app developer should really charge something for it. Even if it's just $0.99.
  8. So, like trq suggested, you were able to answer the question yourself. Kidding aside, I think the general rule of thumb is that OOP is the way to go for anything that's not trivial. If you can justify the overhead, use it.
  9. 1. One character variable names aren't inherently bad. Variable names should give an indication of the data the variable carries, but there's no length requirement. Is $i confusing in a for-loop? Is $a confusing in a small script where it's the ONLY variable in that script and is assigned to an artist's name? I'd much rather see that than a slew of $mysql1, $mysql2, etc., in a script, or, even worse, something ugly like $theInput or $theResult. 2. Single letter table aliases are common to the point of convention. Since aliases are defined within queries with the table names referenced, they don't need to have longer, more meaningful names. 3. There was no reason to call out Barand here. He wasn't involved until you mentioned him by name. Furthermore, your criticism was tangential to tactual issue at hand. If you have a problem with him, settle it in PMs. If you don't think that will solve it, PM a mod or admin. --- To MaisieWebster: I don't generally answer homework questions because I feel that if you do your job as a student you should be able to successfully complete an assignment. In my experience, it's rare to find an instructor who is so deficient that they can't prepare their students for their own coursework. However, since we're close to the holidays, I'll be generous. 1. Create an HTML form that has a text input with the name "artistName". Have that form's method set to "post" and action set to your PHP script. 2. In your PHP script do the following: <?php $a = $_POST['artistName']; echo "You entered: $a for the artist's name."; ?> Since the assignment is incredibly easy, I've omitted any real life error checking or security precautions. That should do it, provided there isn't anything you neglected to mention.
  10. 1. Reprimand 2. Firing In that order. You need a reprimand and some sort of performance log that shows repeated insubordination/harassment in order to protect yourself from a wrongful termination suit, generally speaking.
  11. Exactly. Little competition means you can charge more since you're offering a niche service. You need to charge more in order to make up for the lack of demand, especially if you can offer a premium service compared to your few competitors. I understand that it can feel a bit... awkward charging a sizeable fee for what you consider to be easy/trivial. Just remember that not everyone can do what we do, and your charges also offset operational costs (domain registration, hosting costs, software costs (image editors, IDEs, office software, etc.), hardware costs, etc. If you're a freelancer, your charges also help offset any lulls in employment. The point is not to gouge, but to not short change yourself. In this kind of business, the only one who has your best interests at heart is you. Never forget that.
  12. It depends on several things. Like trq said, it depends on what you feel your work is worth. That should be an honest assessment based on your skill, how professional your end results are, how much time you tend to take, etc. But, you also need to have a general idea of the market price in your area for that kind of product. In my area of the world, a WordPress installation with a simple custom theme (just HTML and CSS) is about $500 American. But that's what the average cost is in the seacoast area of NH (emphasis on average). It's likely different in your part of the world. Once you have figured out a good price, you need to make a business decision: do you just charge that? Do you charge less to undercut the competition in order to spur customer loyalty? Charge a bit more if you think it's a one-shot, no maintenance project?
  13. Like Jessica stated, this forum isn't like Twitter. Writing in shortened internet lingo only makes it harder for us to understand what you're saying, which ultimately makes it harder for us to help you. We don't have a 140 character limit, so slow down, write complete sentences, and be as clear and concise as you can about your problem. When posting code, place it within tags. That will format it and apply syntax highlighting so we can more easily see what's going on. In short, the easier it is for us to understand you and your problem, the faster it will be addressed.
  14. With Sony's bonds near junk status and the Vita not selling AT ALL, Blops 2 is the only answer. You don't want to waste money on what will be a glorified brick by spring.
  15. Dependency injection is the right answer. The others don't make sense logically (extending your db class) or methodologically (static class).
  16. XAML is proprietary markup used by Silverlight, WPF, and Windows 8 to denote where data bound, interactive elements are on a page. It's not an all-purpose markup language. Again, the answer is HTML. It's one of the foundational technologies of the web, and there's no reason not to use it.
  17. Even Halle Berry's 'unveiling' couldn't save that movie....
  18. With all respect, hire a new programmer to handle this. An HTTP REST API isn't something you can just download/buy and install. It's something that needs to be crafted specifically for a particular app.
  19. Facebook is basically PHP translated into C++, which is then compiled down into an executable. PHP, being interpreted, isn't all that efficient under the hood.
  20. Again, don't use MD5. If you use phpass (which you really, really should do), you'll be using a different hashing algorithm altogether. Staying away from cookies is pretty easy. Don't read from $_REQUEST or $_COOKIE. For your sessions, you may want to look into session_regenerate_id if you have your users accessing different kinds of hidden info in different areas.
  21. I'm going to go through this in ordered list fashion, so please bear with me. 1. MD5 is not encryption, but rather it's a hash algorithm. That may seem like a small nit to pick, but there's an important distinction between the two - something that's encrypted can be decrypted. A hash is a one-way transformation. Once something is hashed, you can't dehash it to get the original value. MD5 itself is not a good hash to use for password security. It's insecure, and should really only be used to create a checksum. Passwords need to be protected with a nice, slow algorithm that can generate a lot of entropy. They also, at the very least, need to be created with a salt value. The easiest way to do this is to use phpass. It's a library specifically made to protect passwords. See: http://www.openwall.com/phpass/ Tutorial: http://www.openwall.com/articles/PHP-Users-Passwords 2. Don't use the old mysql_* functions. They're soft deprecated. Instead, use either MySQLi or PDO, and be sure to use their prepared statement functionality. Prepared statements escape your queries (among other things). 3. Be sure to validate incoming data. Example, if you expect an integer, check if it's actually an integer. Conversely, if you're not expecting to receive one, don't accept one. That should cover the basics.
  22. Who actually writes in cursive anymore? The only cursive I use is for my signature, and that's largely chicken scratch. I haven't written anything other than that in cursive for 15-20 years (disclaimer: I'm an old fart). All this talk about education makes me miss my highschool math teacher. By a certain amount of luck I had the same teacher for all four years. He presented the material in a GoF-esque manner, where each new topic was described in terms of the kind of problem it was meant to solve, the basic formula/process, basic examples, and a few tricky outliers. Even nearly 20 years later, I stand by the assertion that someone should clone him and place him in every highschool in America. Guy knew how to teach, and expected a certain amount of respect/professionalism out of his students. So, here's to you, Mr. Daigle.
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