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Everything posted by TheFilmGod

  1. Perhaps it would help if you looked at the source code... I did do it the "right way". This isn't table layouts. It's all CSS and divs. Any constructive feedback about this layout issue? I did provide constructive feedback (which was entirely correct) and you failed to take me on it. I recommend scrapping the whole project and starting over. Here are some red flags: <span class="bold_text">text...text</span> Why would you use this when a tag exists exactly for this purpose? <strong> <div class="text">... some content</div> This div has no style and does nothing for the layout. Why are you using an empty div tag. <div></div> An empty div that does nothing but adding height/padding to the top header. Why don't you just add padding to the main navigation div. Table layout in general. Yes you are using it. If you need help transforming it to css the "right-way" of coding it, I will be more than willing to help. It seems to me that you have zipped through web semantics 101. I don't want to come off arrogant and entirely one-sided, but learning proper web semantics is more important than css or html combined. What good is it to know css, when you are using <p> tags for headings, and using empty divs that could be replaced with more advanced css. Semantics helps your design by cutting down production time by ten fold and increasing your text to html ratio.
  2. You're html isn't horrendous, but you got me scratching my head.... Are you generating the css stylesheet dynamically through php? That's interesting because its never done like that. Is there any particular reason for this?
  3. Clearly you don't design websites for companies. Because you would know that IE6 isn't "outdated" or "obsolete". Nearly 30% of the market share still use it. And in this particular situation, the client may actually be using IE6 on one of the company computers! I do recommend fixing the IE6 bug. Besides that, don't accomdate 640 monitors or IE5.5. The website is very plain. I don't like the gray color tone. Maybe something lighter. The table layout isn't working for me either. I hate when people design a website using 1990 techniques and get paid to do it. It hurts the professionals in the market, who do it the correct way.
  4. It's happening because of a cascading stylesheets overlap. Did you try firebug? Did it help?
  5. I know you're just a php coder. But I just don't see how someone can program in php without grasping the rudiments of html/css. Especially when your website is extremely simple. What exactly is there so hard about the template that you can't code? That of in itself, screams unprofessionalism and lack of experience. I guess you get what you asked for. A cheap template that looks unprofessional and cheaply done. Learn how to do it and make it looking great. Or better yet, pay someone to do a really nice portfolio page for you.
  6. It looks cool but it's not readable. The J embeded within the logo itself doesn't stand out. Job/Jar aren't very common words when it comes to logos, so it didn't click. The logo also doesn't flow too well with the rest of the webpage. Maybe tone done the colors? Make the J stand out more. The concept is a good idea though.
  7. Dbrimlow, I have to disagree with you on this one. The clearfix is a little decisiving, for it isn't "clear" or any better than the one line clear Haku recommended. Overflow: auto; Well actually, the correct one line clear method is overflow: hidden;. Auto will cause scrollbars to pop out under certain scenarios; this isn't true for overflow: hidden; I have yet to see cross-browser compatibly issues with overflow: hidden;. I don't count IE6. Less than 4% of my user base uses IE6. (Do not use this statistic for your own website - especially if your website is for a company!!). However, overflow: hidden is not infallible. For instance, overflow: hidden; failes when you use absolute position elements with a negative margin so they stick out of the div container they are held in. A good example of this is when you have a form and you want to show a nice big check mark under on the left hand side of a form element when it validates. Overflow: hidden will not work to clear the objects inside the parent because this property will cause all elements that "stick out" of the parent's dimensions to be "hidden" hence over-flow is hidden. To fix this issue one can use an extraneous div to hold the floats, OR use a clearfix dbrimlow mentioned. the clearfix I use is a derivative of the clearfix code dbrimlow posted, with a slight modification. I hope this sums up the uses of the clearfix/overflow: hidden! The most comprehensive summary on the internet thus far.
  8. If you NEED to have IE6 work you can't do this without some kinda special filter - but on IE7+ and all other modern browsers you can use a png with semi-transparency instead of absolute positioning over semi-transparent div. Just my two cent. I don't know what's causing this issue. Is this also happening in FF and Chrome?
  9. Or you could use a quasi-transparent png?
  10. You're having an ipod touch giveaway, yet you still don't have a terms of use or a privacy policy? In legal jargon: you can't launch a website without those documents! * Navigation buttons should change (underline/color/bold) on hover * The header is too large. I use a 21 inch monitor, so it doesn't look too bad. Make sure you test it on 1024 resolution * There seems to be some clearing issuing in firefox. Under the products page, the dashed line touches the two buttons for the first product. Firefox 3.0.14, windows vista * Overall, the website isn't very appealing. The pictures add a little flair, but the font color is boring. The font is blue. The background is blue. The logo is blue. A little bit too much blue I would say. * What is this website even about? You should have an explanation on the homepage.
  11. WHY THE HELL DOES the music start playing automatically? I am virtually a fan of every music genre, but when your trashy hip-hop music started playing I had to leave. It's not as much as the poor quality of music - but that you had the nerve to make the music play automatically. - AT least let me turn it off if I want to!
  12. No playstation. Xbox user. You really should sell your playstation and get an xbox. Xbox live destroys playstation online in every possible way. Here's a list of what I play: Call of Duty, Halo, GRAW, GTA IV, and everything else in the middle.
  13. Did you declare @media screen in the beginning. I never did it like this. Typically you would use a separate stylesheet for each media type. I recommend you do the same.
  14. Don't forget that /n doesn't apply to all computer system. To be safe you need to use /r/n I believe.
  15. From what I understand you would like to create that automatically uploads a file onto the server upon clicking the save button. Although this sounds really cool, I don't think it could be very useful in the industry. All testing should be done on a separate "development" server. Many web developers install a server onto their computer so they can quickly test php files locally. You should never test files on the live server, as it opens your website to a plethora of security vulnerabilities. The only time someone would want to upload a file onto the production server is when the files are complete and a last minute test is run to make sure everything is working how it's suppose to on the live website.
  16. Exactly. Now they can keep your money and the domain. Why did you close it?
  17. All though Daniel0 is correct - PHP OOP doesn't satisfy traditional and strict coding patterns that many prgrammers are expecting when they move over from C or java. PHP was always intended to be more procedural. OOP was thrown in later in the versions and although OOP's support has imensely grown in the recent years, there is still a lot of improvement. Don't forget that OOP does not outperform procedural code. The upside to OOP is productivity. Your coding time will decrease by ten fold if you take a few extra steps and code in OOP.
  18. It is next to impossible to get an iPhone in the UK at the moment due to the demand. I called one of the larger stores in London yesterday to check if they had any stock and they said they had 1000 delivered two days ago, and they have already sold them all. Come to America... stores can't sell them - as in the demand isn't greater than the supply.
  19. Simply because one doesn't use html doesn't comments, doesn't mean one is poor at web designing. I'm getting the impression from the thread that you guys look down upon html comments as a bad thing. HTML comments are quite useful. And php comments aren't easy to play around with because you can't next php tags.
  20. Why is it that W3C uses xhtml when it doesn't seem to serve xml? It's all html to me.
  21. I shot myself in the foot. After doing tremondous SEO work on my website, the notes section of my website skyrocketed to 3 place in google search. From 21 or 23 result spot. The notes are still up on google ranked very highly, but I moved all those notes to a new section of the website. In the process I forgot to tell google about this change. So the old links and meta descriptions are on google, but the current address links to those pages go to non existant pages on my website. So what do I do? 302 redirects like crazy? HELP! I lost like 50+ customers because of this silly change.
  22. The problem is probably caused by bottom-margins not working cross browser. Make sure you declare are bottom and top margin to 0.
  23. The cursive font is cool but not readable.
  24. there is an even more efficient way of doing this. You will need a dedicated server and need a hosting provider who will let you setup email forwarding. Since this list is static (not going to change) you should create a unique, hard to guess email address that will automatically forward the email to everybody. The initial setup will be pain in the ass, but once you do the intial setup sending subsequent emails would be a piece of cake - and you could even do it from the convience of your own email account! There are several tricks though - you need a dedicated smtp email forwarding system setup with your dedicated host. Moreover, the email forwarding address needs to be hard to guess. And people should NOT know what that address is when you send the email out. I know this sounds a lot more complicated than a simple php function, but this is definitely the most efficient way of doing it. BY FAR.
  25. The logo definitely needs some work. I didn't find the logo to remind me of "babies and moms;" instead it reminded me off google where you have a simple text logo with each letter being a different color. - That too isn't good. You don't want to be a google-rip-off or a search engine used for moms! The search engine of the backend looks very sleek to me. It has very fast searches with extremely short times to load. You should probably look into integrating your image site with some other website. One suggestion though - why can't you browse more than the first 30 pictures you see?
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