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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I'd include a pre-loader / "loading" image at least, all I saw for about 10 seconds was a mainly blank black screen. The whole site feels very sluggish to be honest, though I'm on a not-so-great internet connection right now. As others have mentioned it's not obvious what your site is about, the name doesn't give much a way either. The "contact & info" page is just a giant image, this is really bad for SEO as the search engines can't read the text and as a result you loose out on a lot of keywords. I'd also attempt to add your own headers to the blog, as opposed to using an iframe; the scrollbar (especially on a dark colour scheme) just doesn't look professional.
  2. Mmm sorry, I object. As mentioned before the design is really amateur. You may want to think about testing in other browsers, even if you don't use them. In Chrome and IE there are pretty big display issues with the pop-ups you need to address. Just things like centred code samples, multiple layers of pop-ups, slow responses / constantly waiting for some animation to complete, unusable with JS disabled, zero SEO, etc. etc. Make this site very user-unfriendly and unprofessional in my opinion. Not touching the basic use of Photoshop to create a very rough gradient, thick black lines separating content, the lack of content, lack of logo, etc. etc.
  3. Ah of course. Well this script wasn't really written to be added to an image, however you could modify it a bit to suit your needs. The first idea that comes to mind, and this is pretty hacky, would be to use the 'rel' attribute to target the input on none-input elements. This line: inputObj.value = formatDate(popUpCal.selectedDay, popUpCal.selectedMonth, popUpCal.selectedYear); Is what assigns the value to the input, you could add in a conditional to validate that it's an input, else check if there's 'rel' attribute set, and if so try to use that. Give this a try (I can't say for sure it will work): var dateVal = formatDate(popUpCal.selectedDay, popUpCal.selectedMonth, popUpCal.selectedYear); if (inputObj.tagName != 'input') { if (inputObj.getAttribute('rel') != 'undefined') { document.getElementById(inputObj.getAttribute('rel')).value = dateVal; } } else { inputObj.value = dateVal; } Remember you'll need to add the id of the input to the rel attribute of the image. If that all made sense?
  4. Replace: var x = getElementsByClass(popUpCal.inputClass, document, 'input'); With: var x = getElementsByClass(popUpCal.inputClass, document); ...And it should work. The third parameter there is restricting the calendar to inputs only.
  5. There's loads of methods to creating roll over images, CSS solutions being the most popular these days. This looks like a decent guide: http://www.webvamp.co.uk/blog/coding/css-image-rollovers/
  6. Post "calendar.js" ..
  7. I tend to go with: 1b 2b 3a 4a - variables I tend to separate with an underscore, camel case for methods.
  8. If you're using the POST method you would add your parameters to the send() function: xmlHttp.send('param1=foo&param2=bar');
  9. Since starting for a company I've had to follow their coding standards (most like method 2) and it's kind of stuck with me since. Before that though I always used to follow PEAR's standards.
  10. Ah you have the logic the wrong way round: if (ceil($startrow/$display) < $pages && $pages != 1) { $next = $startrow + $display; echo '<a href="testing2.php?startrow=' . $next . '">Next</a> '; }
  11. I used the wrong function, note the edit
  12. Give this a try: if (ceil($startrow/$display) < $pages && $pages != 1) Edit: meant to use ceil() not floor().
  13. Surely setInterval() would be better suited here?
  14. Not quite what I meant. Was meaning like "yourfile.php?file=tango%26cash.mp3", then returning the value with: $file = urldecode($_GET['file']);
  15. Well technically by "global" it means they were created in the global scope, i.e. outside of any class or function. Adding the global keyword allows you to reference that original variable instead of the one that would be created within the scope of your class method / function. To remove the global keyword you'd need to pass those values to the function (or find another way of making them available). Is this a class method?
  16. Ha, probs happens more than you imagine... Just need a fresh pair of eyes sometimes to spot something so obvious.
  17. Mmm, direction of what exactly?
  18. Adam


    Welcome! Going by the very little I know of ASP.NET master pages, I'm afraid PHP doesn't have an equivalent built-in feature such as that. Although remember PHP is a programming language, ASP.NET is a framework. I'm sure you'll be able to find a PHP-based framework out there that offers something very similar. SMARTY may be something you might like to look into.
  19. ] else { You're using a block bracket, should be: } else {
  20. .... Did you try what I suggested?
  21. I just realized you provided a link. Within "js/general.js" look for the "catlist()" function. What you need to do is have the function return false ("return: false;"), in order to suppress the browser following the link. So you'll end up with roughly the following: function catlist() { $("#ul_categories li").unbind('click').click( function(){ var ul_subs = $(this).find('ul'); if(ul_subs.hasClass("hidden_li")) { ul_subs.removeClass(); ul_subs.addClass('visible_li') } else if(ul_subs.hasClass("visible_li")) { ul_subs.addClass("hidden_li"); ul_subs.removeClass('visible_li'); } return false; }); }
  22. <div id="list_cats"> <ul> {$list_categories} </ul> </div> My guess is that the event call is being attached dynamically to the element, for example with query: $('#list_cats > a').click(...) In order to suppress the normal anchor's action you can return false from the function.
  23. Try "tango%26cash.mp3". You may need to apply urldecode to it, not sure!
  24. Can you post the structure of your table? mysql> describe addsellers My guess is you're trying to enter one or more fields in the wrong order. Carefully check each input, make sure it's a valid value (i.e. var_dump it before the query), and also trying printing out the SQL string rather than executing it once, to make sure it looks correct. Generally by debugging a query like that the problem will become clear.
  25. Means you're trying to insert more field (column) values than there actually are. Probably related to the first part.
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