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  1. Hi everyone, I have a data analysis system which, however, takes too long to insert data into the db. Can you help me understand where I went wrong? thank you DB MYSQL: 1 analytics_number bigint(20) AUTO_INCREMENT 2 visitor_visitor_id varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 3 visitor_session_id varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 4 visitor_pageview_id varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 5 visitor_visitor_sessions bigint(20) 6 visitor_visitor_session bigint(20) 7 visitor_visitor_pageviews bigint(20) 8 visitor_visitor_pageview bigint(20) 9 visitor_visitor_time bigint(20) 10 visitor_visitor_pages text utf8mb4_general_ci 11 visitor_visitor_first_page text utf8mb4_general_ci 12 visitor_visitor_last_page varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 13 visitor_session_pageviews bigint(20) 14 visitor_session_pageview bigint(20) 15 visitor_session_time bigint(20) 16 visitor_session_pages text utf8mb4_general_ci 17 visitor_session_landingpage varchar(500) utf8mb4_general_ci 18 visitor_session_exitpage varchar(500) utf8mb4_general_ci 19 visitor_session_first_page varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 20 visitor_session_last_page varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 21 visitor_enter_timestamp varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 22 visitor_enter_id varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 23 visitor_enter_year int(11) 24 visitor_enter_month int(11) 25 visitor_enter_weekday int(11) 26 visitor_enter_day int(11) 27 visitor_enter_hour int(11) 28 visitor_enter_minute int(11) 29 visitor_leave_timestamp varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 30 visitor_leave_id varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 31 visitor_country varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 32 visitor_country_code varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 33 visitor_region varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 34 visitor_region_code varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 35 visitor_city varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 36 visitor_zip int(11) 37 visitor_lat varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 38 visitor_lon varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 39 visitor_timezone varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 40 visitor_isp varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 41 visitor_language varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 42 visitor_device varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 43 visitor_device_brand varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 44 visitor_device_model varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 45 visitor_os varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 46 visitor_os_version varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 47 visitor_browser varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 48 visitor_browser_version varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 49 visitor_resolution varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 50 visitor_viewport varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 51 visitor_document varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 52 visitor_referrer_url varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 53 visitor_referrer_domain varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 54 visitor_referrer_type varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 55 visitor_referrer_name varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 56 visitor_url varchar(500) utf8mb4_general_ci 57 visitor_domain varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 58 visitor_page_path varchar(500) utf8mb4_general_ci 59 visitor_pageview_time bigint(20) 60 visitor_leave_url varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 61 visitor_leave_domain varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 62 visitor_leave_page varchar(50) utf8mb4_general_ci 63 visitor_leave_type varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 64 visitor_leave_name varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci 65 visitor_pageview_update varchar(100) utf8mb4_general_ci --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS PHP Analytics.php class analytics { public $search_sites; public $social_sites; private $_db; function __construct($db){ $this->search_sites = array("google" => "google", "goo" => "google", "bing" => "bing", "yahoo" => "yahoo", "baidu" => "baidu", "ask" => "ask", "aol" => "aol", "wow" => "wow", "webcrawler" => "webcrawler", "mywebsearch" => "mywebsearch", "infospace" => "infospace", "duckduckgo" => "duckduckgo", "yandex" => "yandex"); $this->social_sites = array("facebook" => "facebook", "fb" => "facebook", "twitter" => "twitter", "t.co" => "twitter", "youtube" => "youtube", "instagram" => "instagram", "snap" => "snapchat", "snapchat" => "snapchat", "reddit" => "reddit", "linkedin" => "linkedin", "xing" => "xing", "pinterest" => "pinterest", "tumblr" => "tumblr", "vine" => "vine", "meetup" => "meetup", "quora" => "quora"); $this->_db = $db; } public function get_analytics_enter($visitor_ip, $visitor_visitor_id, $visitor_session_id, $visitor_pageview_id, $visitor_referrer, $visitor_url, $visitor_resolution, $visitor_viewport, $visitor_document){ try{ $GET_array = array("visitor_ip" => $visitor_ip, "visitor_visitor_id" => $visitor_visitor_id, "visitor_session_id" => $visitor_session_id, "visitor_pageview_id" => $visitor_pageview_id, "visitor_referrer" => $visitor_referrer, "visitor_url" => $visitor_url, "visitor_resolution" => $visitor_resolution, "visitor_viewport" => $visitor_viewport, "visitor_document" => $visitor_document); require_once('analytics-db.php'); $analytics = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM analytics WHERE visitor_visitor_id = '".$visitor_visitor_id."'"; $visitor_data = $this->_db->query($query)->fetchAll(); $visitor_ip_info = get_data_visitor($visitor_ip); $visitor_visitor_pageview = 0; $visitor_session_pageview = 0; $session_buffer = array(); $visitor_visitor_session = 0; $visitor_visitor_pages = array(); $visitor_session_pages = array(); $analytics["visitor_session_landingpage"] = NULL; $analytics["visitor_session_exitpage"] = NULL; foreach ($visitor_data as $visitor) { $visitor_visitor_pageview += 1; if (!in_array($visitor["visitor_page_path"], $visitor_visitor_pages)) { array_push($visitor_visitor_pages, $visitor["visitor_page_path"]); } if ($visitor["visitor_session_id"] == $visitor_session_id) { $visitor_session_pageview += 1; $analytics["visitor_session_exitpage"] = $visitor["visitor_page_path"]; if ($visitor_session_pageview == 1) { $analytics["visitor_session_landingpage"] = $visitor["visitor_page_path"]; } if (!in_array($visitor["visitor_page_path"],$visitor_session_pages)) { array_push($visitor_session_pages,$visitor["visitor_page_path"]); } } if (!in_array($visitor["visitor_session_id"],$session_buffer)) { array_push($session_buffer,$visitor["visitor_session_id"]); $visitor_visitor_session += 1; } } if (!in_array($visitor_session_id,$session_buffer)) { $visitor_visitor_session += 1; } foreach($GET_array as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $database_structure["analytics"])) { $analytics[$key] = $value; } } $analytics["visitor_visitor_sessions"] = $visitor_visitor_session; $analytics["visitor_visitor_session"] = $visitor_visitor_session; $analytics["visitor_visitor_pageviews"] = $visitor_visitor_pageview + 1; $analytics["visitor_visitor_pageview"] = $visitor_visitor_pageview + 1; $analytics["visitor_visitor_time"] = "0"; $analytics["visitor_session_pageviews"] = $visitor_session_pageview + 1; $analytics["visitor_session_pageview"] = $visitor_session_pageview + 1; $analytics["visitor_enter_timestamp"] = date("d.m.Y, H:i:s"); $analytics["visitor_enter_id"] = date("YmdHis"); $analytics["visitor_enter_year"] = date("Y"); $analytics["visitor_enter_month"] = date("m"); $analytics["visitor_enter_weekday"] = date("w"); $analytics["visitor_enter_day"] = date("d"); $analytics["visitor_enter_hour"] = date("H"); $analytics["visitor_enter_minute"] = date("i"); $analytics["visitor_leave_timestamp"] = date("d.m.Y, H:i:s"); $analytics["visitor_leave_id"] = date("YmdHis"); $analytics["visitor_pageview_time"] = "0"; $analytics["visitor_country"] = $visitor_ip_info["country"]; $analytics["visitor_country_code"] = $visitor_ip_info["countryCode"]; $analytics["visitor_region"] = $visitor_ip_info["regionName"]; $analytics["visitor_region_code"] = $visitor_ip_info["region"]; $analytics["visitor_city"] = $visitor_ip_info["city"]; $analytics["visitor_zip"] = $visitor_ip_info["zip"]; $analytics["visitor_lat"] = $visitor_ip_info["lat"]; $analytics["visitor_lon"] = $visitor_ip_info["lon"]; $analytics["visitor_timezone"] = $visitor_ip_info["timezone"]; $analytics["visitor_isp"] = $visitor_ip_info["isp"]; $analytics["visitor_language"] = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 0, 2); $analytics["visitor_referrer_url"] = $visitor_referrer; $analytics["visitor_referrer_domain"] = $this->get_domain($visitor_referrer); $analytics["visitor_referrer_type"] = $this->visitor_referrer_type($this->get_domain($visitor_referrer)); $analytics["visitor_referrer_name"] = $this->visitor_referrer_name($this->get_domain($visitor_referrer)); $analytics["visitor_domain"] = $this->get_domain($visitor_url); if ($this->get_page($visitor_url) != "" && $this->get_page($visitor_url) != " " && $this->get_page($visitor_url) != "&nbsp;") { $analytics["visitor_page_path"] = $this->get_page($visitor_url); }else{ $analytics["visitor_page_path"] = "/"; } if (!in_array($analytics["visitor_page_path"], $visitor_visitor_pages)) { array_push($visitor_visitor_pages,$analytics["visitor_page_path"]); } if (!in_array($analytics["visitor_page_path"], $visitor_session_pages)) { array_push($visitor_session_pages,$analytics["visitor_page_path"]); } $analytics["visitor_visitor_pages"] = json_encode($visitor_visitor_pages); $analytics["visitor_session_pages"] = json_encode($visitor_session_pages); if ($analytics["visitor_visitor_pageview"] == 1) { $analytics["visitor_visitor_first_page"] = "true"; } if ($analytics["visitor_session_pageview"] == 1) { $analytics["visitor_session_first_page"] = "true"; } $sql_1_1 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_visitor_last_page" . "='" . "" . "' WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "'"; $sql_1_2 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_session_last_page" . "='" . "" . "' WHERE " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id . "'"; $sql_1 = $sql_1_1."; ".$sql_1_2.";"; $this->_db->exec($sql_1); $analytics["visitor_visitor_last_page"] = "true"; $analytics["visitor_session_last_page"] = "true"; $analytics["visitor_device"] = visitor_device(); $analytics["visitor_device_brand"] = visitor_device(); $analytics["visitor_device_model"] = visitor_device(); $analytics["visitor_os"] = visitor_os(); $analytics["visitor_os_version"] = visitor_os(); $analytics["visitor_browser"] = visitor_browser(); $analytics["visitor_browser_version"] = visitor_browser(); $analytics["visitor_pageview_update"] = date("YmdHis"); $sql_2_1 = "INSERT INTO analytics ("; foreach ($analytics as $key => $value) {$sql_2_1 .= $key . ",";} $sql_2_1 = rtrim($sql_2_1,",") . ") VALUES ("; foreach ($analytics as $key => $value) {$sql_2_1 .= "'" . $value . "',";} $sql_2_1 = rtrim($sql_2_1,",") . ")"; $this->_db->exec($sql_2_1); $sql_2_2 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_visitor_sessions" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_visitor_sessions"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "'"; $sql_2_3 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_visitor_pageviews" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_visitor_pageviews"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "'"; $sql_2_4 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_visitor_pages" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_visitor_pages"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "'"; $sql_2_5 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_session_pageviews" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_session_pageviews"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id."'"; $sql_2_6 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_session_pages" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_session_pages"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id."'"; $sql_2_7 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_session_landingpage" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_session_landingpage"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id."'"; $sql_2_8 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_session_exitpage" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_session_exitpage"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id."'"; $sql_2 = $sql_2_2.";".$sql_2_3.";".$sql_2_4.";".$sql_2_5.";".$sql_2_6.";".$sql_2_7.";".$sql_2_8.";"; $this->_db->exec($sql_2); } catch(PDOException $e) { } } public function get_analytics_update($visitor_visitor_id, $visitor_session_id, $visitor_pageview_id, $visitor_pageview_time, $visitor_leave_url){ try{ $GET_array = array("visitor_visitor_id" => $visitor_visitor_id, "visitor_session_id" => $visitor_session_id, "visitor_pageview_id" => $visitor_pageview_id, "visitor_pageview_time" => $visitor_pageview_time, "visitor_leave_url" => $visitor_leave_url); require_once('analytics-db.php'); $query = "SELECT MAX(" . "visitor_visitor_time" . ") FROM analytics WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "' ORDER BY " . "visitor_enter_id" . " DESC LIMIT 1"; $visitor_visitor_time = $this->_db->query($query)->fetchColumn(); $query = "SELECT MAX(" . "visitor_session_time" . ") FROM analytics WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "' AND " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id . "' ORDER BY " . "visitor_enter_id" . " DESC LIMIT 1"; $visitor_session_time = $this->_db->query($query)->fetchColumn(); $query = "SELECT MAX(" . "visitor_pageview_time" . ") FROM analytics WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "' AND " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id . "' AND " . "visitor_pageview_id" . "='" . $visitor_pageview_id . "' ORDER BY " . "visitor_enter_id" . " DESC LIMIT 1"; $visitor_pageview_time = $this->_db->query($query)->fetchColumn(); $analytics = array(); foreach($GET_array as $key => $value) { if ($key != "visitor_visitor_id" && $key != "visitor_session_id" && $key != "visitor_pageview_id" && in_array($key, $database_structure["analytics"])) { if(is_array($value)) { $analytics[$key] = json_encode($value); }else{ $analytics[$key] = $value; } } } $analytics["visitor_leave_timestamp"] = date("d.m.Y, H:i:s"); $analytics["visitor_leave_id"] = date("YmdHis"); $analytics["visitor_visitor_time"] = $visitor_visitor_time + ($visitor_pageview_time - $visitor_pageview_time); $analytics["visitor_session_time"] = $visitor_session_time + ($visitor_pageview_time - $visitor_pageview_time); $analytics["visitor_pageview_update"] = date("YmdHis"); if (isset($visitor_leave_url)) { $analytics["visitor_leave_domain"] = $this->get_domain($visitor_leave_url); $analytics["visitor_leave_page"] = $this->get_page($visitor_leave_url); $analytics["visitor_leave_type"] = $this->visitor_leave_type($this->get_domain($visitor_leave_url)); $analytics["visitor_leave_name"] = $this->visitor_leave_name($this->get_domain($visitor_leave_url)); } $sql_1_1 = "UPDATE analytics SET "; foreach ($analytics as $key => $value) {$sql_1_1 .= $key . "='" . $value . "',";} $sql_1_1 = rtrim($sql_1_1,","); $sql_1_1 .= " WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "' AND " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id . "' AND " . "visitor_pageview_id" . "='" . $visitor_pageview_id . "'"; $sql_1_2 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_visitor_time" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_visitor_time"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_visitor_id" . "='" . $visitor_visitor_id . "'"; $sql_1_3 = "UPDATE analytics SET " . "visitor_session_time" . "='" . $analytics["visitor_session_time"] . "' WHERE " . "visitor_session_id" . "='" . $visitor_session_id . "'"; $sql_1 = $sql_1_1."; ".$sql_1_2."; ".$sql_1_3.";"; $this->_db->exec($sql_1); } catch(PDOException $e) { } } function get_domain($url) { $pieces = parse_url($url); $domain = isset($pieces['host']) ? $pieces['host'] : ''; if (preg_match('/(?P<domain>[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,63}\.[a-z\.]{1,6})$/i', $domain, $regs)) { return $regs['domain']; }else{ return false; } } function get_page($url) { return trim(str_replace($this->get_domain($url),"",str_replace("www.","",str_replace("http://","",str_replace("https://","",$url)))),"/"); } function visitor_referrer_type($referrer) { $search_sites = $this->search_sites; $social_sites = $this->social_sites; if ($referrer == "") { return "direct"; } $referrer = explode(".",$referrer); $referrer = strtolower($referrer[0]); if (array_key_exists($referrer,$search_sites)) { return "search"; }else if (array_key_exists($referrer,$social_sites)) { return "social"; }else { return "website"; } } function visitor_referrer_name($referrer) { $search_sites = $this->search_sites; $social_sites = $this->social_sites; if ($referrer == "") { return ""; } $referrer = explode(".",$referrer); $referrer = strtolower($referrer[0]); if (array_key_exists($referrer,$search_sites)) { return $search_sites[$referrer]; }else if (array_key_exists($referrer,$social_sites)) { return $social_sites[$referrer]; }else { return $referrer; } } function visitor_leave_type($leave_url) { $url_paz = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($leave_url == "") { return "unknown"; } if (strpos($leave_url, $url_paz) !== false) { return "internal"; }else { return "external"; } } function visitor_leave_name($leave_url) { if ($leave_url == "") { return ""; } $leave_url = $this->get_domain($leave_url); $leave_url = explode(".",$leave_url); $leave_url = strtolower($leave_url[0]); return $leave_url; } } ?> analytics-db.php <?php $database_structure = array(); $database_structure["analytics"] = array(); // Dataset IDs array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_id"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_id"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_pageview_id"); // Dataset Visitor Data array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_sessions"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_session"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_pageviews"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_pageview"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_time"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_pages"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_first_page"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_visitor_last_page"); // Dataset Session Data array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_pageviews"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_pageview"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_time"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_pages"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_landingpage"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_exitpage"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_first_page"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_session_last_page"); // Dataset Pageview Data // Dataset Enter Time array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_timestamp"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_id"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_year"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_month"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_weekday"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_day"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_hour"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_enter_minute"); // Dataset Leave Time array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_timestamp"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_id"); // Dataset Geolocation array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_country"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_country_code"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_region"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_region_code"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_city"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_zip"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_lat"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_lon"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_timezone"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_isp"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_language"); // Dataset Technology array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_device"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_device_brand"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_device_model"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_os"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_os_version"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_browser"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_browser_version"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_resolution"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_viewport"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_document"); // Dataset Referrer array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_referrer_url"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_referrer_domain"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_referrer_type"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_referrer_name"); // Dataset Page array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_url"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_domain"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_page_path"); // Dataset Time array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_pageview_time"); // Dataset Leave array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_url"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_domain"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_page"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_type"); array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_leave_name"); // Dataset Update array_push($database_structure["analytics"],"visitor_pageview_update"); ?> analytics-enter.php <?php if(isset($_POST["visitor_ip"])){ $analytics->get_analytics_enter($_POST["visitor_ip"], $_POST["visitor_visitor_id"], $_POST["visitor_session_id"], $_POST["visitor_pageview_id"], $_POST["visitor_referrer"], $_POST["visitor_url"], $_POST["visitor_resolution"], $_POST["visitor_viewport"], $_POST["visitor_document"]); print "done"; }else{ print "error"; } ?> analytics-update.php <?php $analytics->get_analytics_update($_POST["visitor_visitor_id"], $_POST["visitor_session_id"], $_POST["visitor_pageview_id"], $_POST["visitor_pageview_time"], $_POST["visitor_leave_url"]); ?> JS FILE $(function(){ function create_cookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); }else { var expires = ""; } var host = window.location.hostname; var domain = host.substring(host.lastIndexOf(".", host.lastIndexOf(".") - 1) + 1); document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/; domain=." + domain; } function read_cookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1,c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) { return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } } return null; } function random_string(length, chars) { var result = ''; for (var i = length; i > 0; --i) result += chars[Math.round(Math.random() * (chars.length - 1))]; return result; } function create_id() { var result = random_string(16, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); var date_time = new Date(); result += date_time.getFullYear(); result += date_time.getMonth(); result += date_time.getDate(); result += date_time.getHours(); result += date_time.getMinutes(); result += date_time.getSeconds(); return btoa(result); } function create_visitor_visitor_id() { if (visitor_visitor_id() == null) { create_cookie("visitor_id", create_id(), 3650) } } function visitor_visitor_id() { return read_cookie("visitor_id"); } function create_visitor_session_id() { if (visitor_session_id() == "") { sessionStorage.setItem("visitor_session_id", create_id()); } } function visitor_session_id() { return sessionStorage.getItem("visitor_session_id") == null ? "" : sessionStorage.getItem("visitor_session_id"); } function get_ip() { return $.getJSON("https://api.ipify.org?format=jsonp&callback=?").then(function(data){ return { visitor_ip: data.ip } }); } if (new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("analytics") != "true") { create_visitor_visitor_id(); create_visitor_session_id(); var analytics_script_location = "/analytics/controllers/"; var screen_width = screen.width; var screen_height = screen.height; var viewport_width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; var viewport_height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; var document_width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; var document_height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; var visitor_ip; get_ip().then(function(returndata){ visitor_ip = returndata.visitor_ip}); var visitor_visitor_id = visitor_visitor_id(); var visitor_session_id = visitor_session_id(); var visitor_pageview_id = create_id(); var visitor_enter_time = new Date(); var visitor_referrer = document.referrer; var visitor_url = window.location.href; var visitor_resolution = screen_width + "x" + screen_height; var visitor_viewport = viewport_width + "x" + viewport_height; var visitor_document = document_width + "x" + document_height; var visitor_leave_url = "NULL"; var current_time = 0; var scroll_sum = 0; var scroll_count = 0; var visitor_enter_sent = false; var visitor_leave_sent = false; var current_viewport_width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; var current_viewport_height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; var current_document_width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; var current_document_height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; var current_viewport = current_viewport_width + "x" + current_viewport_height; var previous_viewport = current_viewport_width + "x" + current_viewport_height; var current_document = current_document_width + "x" + current_document_height; var previous_document = current_document_width + "x" + current_document_height; function track_a_href(event) { visitor_leave_url = event.target.href; analytics_visitor_leave(); } function analytics_visitor_enter() { if (visitor_enter_sent == false) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: analytics_script_location + "analytics-enter.php", data: { visitor_ip: visitor_ip, visitor_visitor_id: visitor_visitor_id, visitor_session_id: visitor_session_id, visitor_pageview_id: visitor_pageview_id, visitor_referrer: visitor_referrer, visitor_url: visitor_url, visitor_resolution: visitor_resolution, visitor_viewport: visitor_viewport, visitor_document: visitor_document }, success: function(data){ if(data == "done"){ visitor_enter_sent = true; }else{ visitor_enter_sent = false; } } }); } } function analytics_visitor_update() { var visitor_pageview_time = Math.round(((new Date() - visitor_enter_time)/1000)%60); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: analytics_script_location + "analytics-update.php", data: { visitor_visitor_id: visitor_visitor_id, visitor_session_id: visitor_session_id, visitor_pageview_id: visitor_pageview_id, visitor_pageview_time: visitor_pageview_time, visitor_leave_url: visitor_leave_url } }); } window.setInterval(function() { if(visitor_enter_sent == true){ analytics_visitor_update(); }else{ analytics_visitor_enter(); } }, 15000); function analytics_visitor_leave() { if (visitor_leave_sent == false) { analytics_visitor_update(); visitor_leave_delay(250); visitor_leave_sent = true; } } function visitor_leave_delay(time) { var start = +new Date; while ((+new Date - start) < time); } $(window).load(function() { analytics_visitor_enter(); }); $(window).on('pagehide', function () { analytics_visitor_leave(); }); $(window).on('beforeunload', function () { analytics_visitor_leave(); }); $(window).unload( function() { analytics_visitor_leave(); }); } });
  2. I have 2 pages...1 one that has something like 500 checkboxes that list all of the active users in a database. When any number of checkboxes are selected it passes the variables from the checkboxes to the next page, asking for confirmation. Right now I have the 2nd page displaying numbers for the people, but doesn't display the correct entries. The code is below, hopefully it helps: if(isset($_POST['Update'])) //if the update button was pressed { if (isset($_POST['Player_number'])) //checks to see if any checkboxes are selected { //$Player_number = IMPLODE(',',$_POST['Player_number']); //putting the comma in between the array items echo $Player_number; ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?PHP $Player_number; ?>" value="<?PHP $Player_number; ?>"> $Player_number = IMPLODE(',',$_POST['Player_number']); //putting the comma in between the array items $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Player_number` = '$Player_number' ORDER BY Player_Last_Name") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) //while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // here is your data echo "FName: ".$row['Player_First_Name']; echo "lName: ".$row['Player_Last_Name']; echo "email: ".$row['player_email']; } foreach($_POST['Player_number'] as $row) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT `Player_First_Name`,`Player_Last_Name`,`player_email`, `Player_number` FROM `players` WHERE `Player_number` = '$Player_number' ORDER BY Player_Last_Name") or die(mysql_error()); $Player_number = IMPLODE(',',$_POST['Player_number']); //putting the comma in between the array items while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "Player Number: ".$Player_number; //echo "pNumber: ".$row; //echo $rows['Player_First_Name']; ?> <tr bgcolor='<?PHP echo $bkcolor; ?>'> <td width = '20%' height="20"><div align="center"><input type="hidden" name="Player_number[]" value="<?php echo $row; ?>"></div></td> <td width= '20%' headers="20"><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['Player_First_Name']; ?></div></td> <td width= '20%' headers="20"><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['Player_Last_Name']; ?></div></td> <td width= '20%' headers="20"><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['player_email']; ?></div></td> <?PHP }//close of the while loop }//close of the foreach loop }//close of if (isset($_POST['Player_number'])) } //close of (isset($_POST['Update'] My issue that it goes through the For loop that is listed above, but list the player first name X amount of times.
  3. So I have a database that is structured like this: https://imgur.com/a/DdyTqiE Sample data: https://imgur.com/a/kYwmuO1 For each appointment, a student can have multiple categories, such as 'Academic Probation, Re-Admit' etc... I would like to loop through this table, and get a count of how many were 'is_no_show' and 'is_cancelled' per (unique) category with respect to 'scheduled_student_services.' For example, in the sample data, we see that the first appointment has 4 categories (Academic Probation, Entering Cohort Year 20051, First Generation, and Re-Admit'). Now one of these categories - Academic Probation matches up with what they were scheduled for - '1st Term Probation Advising'. And they cancelled this appointment, so we want the count of cancellations under Academic Probation to go up by 1. How would I approach this? I know I probably need to do two loops but I'm not sure the PHP syntax for this. Any suggestions or tips would be helpful. Thank you for your time!
  4. Hi, So I am currently making a real estate site for my class at school but I am having a tiny issue with the listing display page. So what I want to do is show a bunch of listing that the agent owns on their dashboard which I have already done. Now I have two links one to update the listing and one to view the listing. Now what I am trying to do is when the view listing link is clicked it will take the user to the listing-display page and then I want it to display all the information for the listing that the link was clicked under. But i cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that! This is currently the code for the dashboard where you only view the listing headline <?php // If the session was never set with a user id $output = ''; $conn = db_connect(); if($_SESSION['userType'] != AGENT) { $_SESSION['RedirectError'] = "You were not logged in as an Agent<br/>"; header("Location:login.php"); } if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $page = $_GET["page"]; $index = ($page -1) * IMAGE_LIMIT; } else { $page=1; $index = 0; } ?> <!-- start of main page content --> <div class="container" style="margin-top: 2em;"> <h2>Dashboard</h2> <p>Welcome back <?php echo $_SESSION['userId']; ?> you last logged in on <?php echo $_SESSION['last_access']; ?></p> <h4>Your Listings</h4> <?php $sql = "SELECT listing_id FROM listings WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['userId']."' AND status = 'o' ORDER BY listing_id"; $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); $listings = pg_fetch_all($result); for($index; $index < pg_num_rows($result); $index++) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM listings WHERE listing_id = '".$listings[$index]['listing_id']."'"; $listing_result = pg_query($conn, $sql); $arrayRow = pg_fetch_assoc($listing_result); echo (build_listing_card($arrayRow)); if($index !=0 && ($index +1) % IMAGE_LIMIT ==0){ break; } } ?> </div> <br/> <?php $total_pages = ceil(count($listings) / IMAGE_LIMIT); $pageLink = "<div class='pagination'>"; for ($i=1; $i<=$total_pages; $i++) { if($i == $page) { $pageLink .= "<a class='active' href='dashboard.php?page=".$i."'>".$i."</a>"; } else { $pageLink .= "<a href='dashboard.php?page=".$i."'>".$i."</a>"; } }; ?> </div> <br/> and this is the code for the listing-display page where I want all the listing information to be displayed <?php if (isset($_GET['listing_id'])) { $_SESSION['listing_id'] = $_GET['listing_id']; } else { $_SESSION['listing_id'] = 0; echo "ERROR: listing information was not find"; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM listings WHERE listing_id = ' . $_SESSION['listing_id']; echo "<BR>".$sql; $result = pg_query(db_connect(), $sql); $records = pg_num_rows($result); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "listing_id"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "user_id"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "status"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "price"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "headline"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "description"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "postal_code"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "images"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "city"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "property_options"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "bedrooms"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "bathrooms"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "garage"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "purchase_type"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "property_type"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "finished_basement"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "open_house"); echo "<BR>".pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "schools"); ?> <h1> Listing Display </h1> <hr/> <table style="width:50%" border="1px solid black"> <tr> <th>Listing Image</th> <th>Listing Description</th> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2"> <img src="" alt="Oshawa House" width="300px" height="200px"/> </th> <td align="left" valign="top"> <h3><?php echo pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "headline") ?></h3> <ul> <li>Open house?: <?php echo get_property('open_house', pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "open_house"))?> </li> <li>Finished Basement?: <?php echo get_property('finished_basement', pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "finished_basement"))?></li> <li><?php echo get_property('purchase_type', pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "purchase_type"))?></li> <li>Garage Type: <?php echo get_property('garage_type', pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "garage"))?></li> <li>Near school?: <?php echo get_property('schools', pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "schools"))?></li> <li>Status: <?php echo get_property('listing_status', strtolower(pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "status"))) ?></li> <li>Washrooms: <?php echo get_property('washrooms',pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "bathrooms")) ?></li> <li>Bedrooms: <?php echo get_property('bedrooms',pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "bedrooms")) ?></li> <li>Description: <?php echo pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "description") ?></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top"><ul> <li>Location: <?php echo get_property('cities',pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "city")) ?></li> <li>Postal Code: <?php echo pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "postal_code") ?></li> <li>Price: <?php echo pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "price") ?></li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> <form action="listing-matches.php"> <p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Back"/></p> </form>
  5. PHP script return 20 UL LIST values like, < ul > A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T < /ul > How to display UL LIST into row wise 5 columns like A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T (20 ITEMS)
  6. Magento 1.9 - How to include custom PHP Script into .PHTML file My magento tracking page: https://i.stack.imgur.com/3GIoN.png Back-end magento code : https://i.stack.imgur.com/ySgMA.png How can i add my PHP script into this tracking page. Tracking page code - trackorder.phtml [ https://i.stack.imgur.com/ySgMA.png ] <?php if(Mage::getStoreConfig('trackorder/trackorder_general/enabled')): ?> <div class="page-title"><h1><?php echo $this->__('Track Your Order ') ?></h1></div> <div class="form-list"> <form name="track_order" id="track_order" action="" method="post" onsubmit="sendAjax('track_order','<?php echo Mage::getUrl('*/*/track');?>'); return false;"> <!--<form name="track_order" method="post" id="track_order" action="<?php echo Mage::getUrl('*/*/view');?>">--> <ul class="form-list"> <li> <label for="order_id" class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $this->__('Order Id') ?></label> <div class="input-box"> <input type="text" name="order_id" id="order_id" value="" title="" class="input-text required-entry" /> </div> </li> <li> <label for="email_address" class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $this->__('Email Address') ?></label> <div class="input-box" > <input type="text" name="email" id="email_address" value="" title="<?php echo $this->__('Email Address') ?>" class="input-text validate-email required-entry" /> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="buttons-set"> <button type="submit" class="button" title="<?php echo $this->__('Track Order') ?>" name="track" id="track"> <span><span><?php echo $this->__('Track Order') ?></span></span> </button> </div> </form> <div id="loading-details" class="loading-details" style="display:none"> <div id="loading-mask" > <p class="loader" id="loading_mask_loader"><img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('trackorder/images/ajax-loader-tr.gif') ?>" alt="<?php echo Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Loading...') ?>"/><br/><?php echo $this->__('Please wait...') ?></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="oderinfo" class="order-info-message"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var validateForm = new VarienForm('track_order', true); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function sendAjax(frmId,url){ if (!validateForm.validator.validate()) { return; } var data = $(frmId).serialize(this); $("loading-details").show(); new Ajax.Updater( { success:"oderinfo" }, url, { asynchronous:true, evalScripts:false, onComplete:function(request, json){ $("loading-details").hide(); return false; }, onLoading:function(request, json){}, parameters:data } ); return false; } </script> <?php else: ?> <?php $url = Mage::getBaseUrl(); Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->setRedirect($url); ?> <?php endif; ?> From above code how can i add my own PHP script : My PHP script : <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> <form action="#" method="POST"> Select Courier : <select name="courier"> <option disabled='disabled' selected>-- Choose an option --</option> <option value="professional_courier">Professional Courier</option> <option value="shree_maruti_courier">Shree Maruti Courier</option> <option value="india_post_courier">India Post Courier</option> <option value="dhl_courier">DHL Courier</option> <option value="fedex_courier">Fedex Courier</option> <option value="ups_courier">UPS Courier</option> </select> Trackingid: <input type="text" name="trackingid"> <input type="submit"> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['courier'])) { // Professional Courier if ('professional_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.tpcindia.com/Tracking2014.aspx?id=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&type=0&service=0"); } // Shree Maruti Courier else if ('shree_maruti_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.shreemaruticourier.com/track-your-shipment/#track-your", "_blank"); } // india_post_courier else if ('india_post_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.indiapost.gov.in/vas/Pages/IndiaPostHome.aspx/#main-content", "_blank"); } // DHL Courier else if ('dhl_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.dhl.com/en/express/tracking.html?AWB=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&brand=DHL", "_blank"); } // Fedex Courier else if ('fedex_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=track&trackingnumber=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&cntry_code=in&locale=en_IN", "_blank"); } // ups_courier else if ('ups_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&tracknum=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&requester=WT/trackdetails", "_blank"); } } ?> </body> </html> My Workout in trackorder.phtml getting error : [start & end header added] <?php if(Mage::getStoreConfig('trackorder/trackorder_general/enabled')): ?> <div class="page-title"><h1><?php echo $this->__('Track Your Order ') ?></h1></div> <div class="form-list" style="float: left;"> <form name="track_order" id="track_order" action="" method="post" onsubmit="sendAjax('track_order','<?php echo Mage::getUrl('*/*/track');?>'); return false;"> <!--<form name="track_order" method="post" id="track_order" action="<?php echo Mage::getUrl('*/*/view');?>">--> <ul class="form-list"> <li> <label for="order_id" class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $this->__('Order Id') ?></label> <div class="input-box"> <input type="text" name="order_id" id="order_id" value="" title="" class="input-text required-entry" /> </div> </li> <li> <label for="email_address" class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $this->__('Email Address') ?></label> <div class="input-box" > <input type="text" name="email" id="email_address" value="" title="<?php echo $this->__('Email Address') ?>" class="input-text validate-email required-entry" /> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="buttons-set"> <button type="submit" class="button" title="<?php echo $this->__('Track Order') ?>" name="track" id="track"> <span><span><?php echo $this->__('Track Order') ?></span></span> </button> </div> </form> <div id="loading-details" class="loading-details" style="display:none"> <div id="loading-mask" > <p class="loader" id="loading_mask_loader"><img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('trackorder/images/ajax-loader-tr.gif') ?>" alt="<?php echo Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Loading...') ?>"/><br/><?php echo $this->__('Please wait...') ?></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Start couier tracking --> <div style="float: left;"> <form action="#" method="POST" style="padding: 28px 15px 21px 196px;"> Select Courier : <select name="courier"> <option disabled='disabled' selected>-- Choose an option --</option> <option value="professional_courier">Professional Courier</option> <option value="shree_maruti_courier">Shree Maruti Courier</option> <option value="india_post_courier">India Post Courier</option> <option value="dhl_courier">DHL Courier</option> <option value="fedex_courier">Fedex Courier</option> <option value="ups_courier">UPS Courier</option> </select> Trackingid: <input type="text" name="trackingid"> <input type="submit"> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['courier'])) { // Professional Courier if ('professional_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.tpcindia.com/Tracking2014.aspx?id=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&type=0&service=0"); } // Shree Maruti Courier else if ('shree_maruti_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.shreemaruticourier.com/track-your-shipment/#track-your", "_blank"); } // india_post_courier else if ('india_post_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.indiapost.gov.in/vas/Pages/IndiaPostHome.aspx/#main-content", "_blank"); } // DHL Courier else if ('dhl_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.dhl.com/en/express/tracking.html?AWB=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&brand=DHL", "_blank"); } // Fedex Courier else if ('fedex_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=track&trackingnumber=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&cntry_code=in&locale=en_IN", "_blank"); } // ups_courier else if ('ups_courier' === $_POST['courier']) { header("Location: https://www.ups.com/track?loc=en_US&tracknum=" . $_POST["trackingid"] . "&requester=WT/trackdetails", "_blank"); } } ?> </div> <!-- End couier tracking --> <div id="oderinfo" class="order-info-message"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var validateForm = new VarienForm('track_order', true); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function sendAjax(frmId,url){ if (!validateForm.validator.validate()) { return; } var data = $(frmId).serialize(this); $("loading-details").show(); new Ajax.Updater( { success:"oderinfo" }, url, { asynchronous:true, evalScripts:false, onComplete:function(request, json){ $("loading-details").hide(); return false; }, onLoading:function(request, json){}, parameters:data } ); return false; } </script> <?php else: ?> <?php $url = Mage::getBaseUrl(); Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->setRedirect($url); ?> <?php endif; ?>
  7. Hi, I'm working with an example set of code to create a Stripe (Token) and that script works Great! Example code found at https://jsfiddle.net/ywain/5yz4z2yn/ However, I need to capture the 'token' which is found at line 38 within the Javascript code. My issue: how can I pass that var (result.token.id) to an external PHP file? If you want to see the simulation - just fill out the form (use 4242 4242 4242 4242 for the test card & current of future 'two-digit' year) other values are random. In the HTML code (simulated form) you'll see that the 'token' class display the token when (result.token) JS condition is met / TRUE <div class="success"> Success! Your Stripe token is <span class="token"></span> </div> I'll suppress the token from showing the var once I am able to grab the value & pass into the, external, PHP (Stripe api's for processing). Again, here's the code snippet in question from the 'Javascript file found at https://jsfiddle.net/ywain/5yz4z2yn/ if (result.token) { // Use the token to create a charge or a customer // https://stripe.com/docs/charges successElement.querySelector('.token').textContent = result.token.id; successElement.classList.add('visible'); Again, I need to (somehow) grab 'result.token.id' and (securely) pass that value to an external PHP file. Note: I do not want to use cookies b/c that not a stable solution for all browsers nor safe. Appreciate any suggestions - thx!
  8. hello everyone, I have a php form, everything works, I do not carry any header() at the end of the form because I have to stay on the same page and because I feel it wipes out the message you sent the form successfully, but for this though if reloading the page shows me the popup asking me to resend the form. how can i solve? I found a function in js with replacestate but I saw that it doesn't work with mobile Safari. if ( window.history.replaceState ) { window.history.replaceState( null, null, window.location.href ); }
  9. I need like, http://www.trackcourier.in/ The customer chooses selected courier service and enters tracking id then clicks its redirect to the appropriate courier service website. eg: If tracking id 12345 the redirect link should be https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/index.html?tracknumbers=12345&cntry_code=in How to do for India courier services?
  10. I'm going crazy. I have two arrays. The first has working hours and the array is like this: ```array(7) { [0]=> array(4) { ["morning_from"]=> string(6) "closed" ["morning_to"]=> string(6) "closed" ["afternoon_from"]=> string(5) "13:00" ["afternoon_to"]=> string(5) "19:00" }``` The second one is the busy times, the array is like this: ```array(2) { [0]=> { ["title"]=> string(13) "Test" ["start_date"]=> string(19) "2019-11-25 13:00:00" ["end_date"]=> string(19) "2019-11-25 14:00:00" } }``` Now I do a cycle of 15 times because I need to make the list for the next 15 days from today. Then I compare the working hours in the morning with the appointments, if the time is occupied by an appointment I add a class to the div. The HTML that comes out should look like this: ``` <ul> <li> <div> <p>Sun</p><p>24 Nov</p> </div> <div class="uk-book-a-visit-closed">Closed</div> </li> <li> <div> <p>Mon</p> <p>25 Nov</p> </div> <div> <a class="uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy" id="a-book-a-visit" data-book-day="2019-11-25" data-book-hour="13:00">13:00</a> <a class="uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy" id="a-book-a-visit" data-book-day="2019-11-25" data-book-hour="13:30">13:30</a> <a class="uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy" id="a-book-a-visit" data-book-day="2019-11-25" data-book-hour="14:00">14:00</a> <a class="uk-button-book-a-visit-hour" id="a-book-a-visit" data-book-day="2019-11-25" data-book-hour="14:30">14:30</a> <a class="uk-button-book-a-visit-hour" id="a-book-a-visit" data-book-day="2019-11-25" data-book-hour="15:00">15:00</a> </div> </li> </ul> ``` Unfortunately it does not work as I would like, it does not mark correctly if the date is occupied. I'll post a piece of code: ```for ($book_i=0; $book_i <= 15; $book_i++) { if($book_i == 0){ $book_today_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($book_today)); }else{ $book_today_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($book_today . ' +'.$book_i.' day')); } $book_day = ucwords(strftime('%d %h', strtotime($book_today_day))); $book_name_day = ucwords(strftime('%a', strtotime($book_today_day))); if(count($getListCalendarStartToday) > $count_list_calendar_p){ $day_appointment_p_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($getListCalendarStartToday[$count_list_calendar_p]["start_date"])); $day_appointment_p_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($getListCalendarStartToday[$count_list_calendar_p]["end_date"])); }else{ $day_appointment_p_start = "N.D."; $day_appointment_p_end = "N.D."; } if($day_appointment_p_start == $book_today_day){ $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_morning = 0; $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_afternoon = 0; foreach ($getListCalendarStartToday as $key => $value) { $day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value["start_date"])); if($day == $book_today_day){ $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_morning += 1; $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_afternoon += 1; } } $book_output .= "<li>"; if(isset($user["working_time"]) && $user["working_time"]){ $book_output .= "<div><p>".$book_name_day."</p><p>".$book_day."</p></div>"; if($book_name_day == $lang["days-mon"]){ $book_day_int = 0; }else if($book_name_day == $lang["days-tue"]){ $book_day_int = 1; }else if($book_name_day == $lang["days-wed"]){ $book_day_int = 2; }else if($book_name_day == $lang["days-thu"]){ $book_day_int = 3; }else if($book_name_day == $lang["days-fri"]){ $book_day_int = 4; }else if($book_name_day == $lang["days-sat"]){ $book_day_int = 5; }else if($book_name_day == $lang["days-sun"]){ $book_day_int = 6; } $book_morning_from = $book_array_working_time[$book_day_int]["morning_from"]; $book_morning_to = $book_array_working_time[$book_day_int]["morning_to"]; $book_afternoon_from = $book_array_working_time[$book_day_int]["afternoon_from"]; $book_afternoon_to = $book_array_working_time[$book_day_int]["afternoon_to"]; $book_morning_from_hour = (int)substr($book_morning_from, 0, 2); $book_morning_to_hour = (int)substr($book_morning_to, 0, 2); $book_morning_from_min = (int)substr($book_morning_from, 3, 5); $book_morning_to_min = (int)substr($book_morning_to, 3, 5); $book_afternoon_from_hour = (int)substr($book_afternoon_from, 0, 2); $book_afternoon_to_hour = (int)substr($book_afternoon_to, 0, 2); $book_afternoon_from_min = (int)substr($book_afternoon_from, 3, 5); $book_afternoon_to_min = (int)substr($book_afternoon_to, 3, 5); $book_morning_from_hour_duplicated = $book_morning_from_hour; $book_morning_to_hour_duplicated = $book_morning_to_hour; $book_afternoon_from_hour_duplicated = $book_afternoon_from_hour; $book_afternoon_to_hour_duplicated = $book_afternoon_to_hour; $book_check_closed = 0; $check_day_morning = 0; if($book_afternoon_from_hour == 0 && $book_afternoon_to_hour == 0){ if($book_afternoon_from_hour == 0 && $book_afternoon_to_hour == 0 && $book_check_closed == 0){ $book_output .= "<div class='uk-book-a-visit-closed'>".$lang["system-appointment-book-a-visit-closed"]."</div>"; $book_check_closed = 1; } }else{ $book_output .= "<div>"; for ($n=0; $n < $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_afternoon; $n++) { if($count_list_calendar_p === $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_afternoon && $count_more_appointment_on_some_days_afternoon > 1){ $count_list_calendar_p -= 1; } $day_appointment_p_start_hour = date('H', strtotime($getListCalendarStartToday[$count_list_calendar_p]["start_date"])); $day_appointment_p_end_hour = date('H', strtotime($getListCalendarStartToday[$count_list_calendar_p]["end_date"])); $day_appointment_p_start_min = date('i', strtotime($getListCalendarStartToday[$count_list_calendar_p]["start_date"])); $day_appointment_p_end_min = date('i', strtotime($getListCalendarStartToday[$count_list_calendar_p]["end_date"])); for($book_afternoon_from_hour; $book_afternoon_from_hour <= $book_afternoon_to_hour; $book_afternoon_from_hour++){ if($book_afternoon_from_hour_duplicated != $book_afternoon_from_hour){ continue; } if($book_afternoon_from_hour != $book_afternoon_to_hour){ if($day_appointment_p_start_hour == number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour)){ $book_afternoon_from_hour_duplicated += 1; $count_list_calendar_p += 1; if($book_afternoon_from_min == 0){ if($day_appointment_p_start_hour == $day_appointment_p_end_hour){ if($day_appointment_p_start_min >= 0 && $day_appointment_p_start_min <= 30){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; } }else{ $count_hour_appointment = 0; for($day_appointment_p_start_hour; $day_appointment_p_start_hour <= $day_appointment_p_end_hour; $day_appointment_p_start_hour++) { if($day_appointment_p_start_hour == $day_appointment_p_end_hour){ if($day_appointment_p_end_min >= 0 && $day_appointment_p_end_min <= 30){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; } }else{ if($day_appointment_p_start_min >= 0){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; } $count_hour_appointment += 1; } } $book_afternoon_from_hour_duplicated += $count_hour_appointment; $count_list_calendar_p += 1; } break; }else{ if($book_i == 0){ if($day_appointment_p_start_min >= $book_afternoon_from_min && $day_appointment_p_start_min <= 30){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; } }else{ if($day_appointment_p_start_min >= $book_afternoon_from_min && $day_appointment_p_start_min >= 30){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-busy' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($day_appointment_p_start_hour).":30</a>"; } } $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00</a>"; } }else{ $book_afternoon_from_hour_duplicated += 1; $count_list_calendar_p += 1; if($book_afternoon_from_min == 0){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":30</a>"; }else{ if($book_i == 0){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":30</a>"; } $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00</a>"; } } }else{ if($book_afternoon_from_min == $book_afternoon_to_min){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-closed' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."</a>"; }else{ if($book_afternoon_from_min == 0){ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":00</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-closed' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."</a>"; }else{ $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_min)."</a>"; $book_output .= "<a class='uk-button-book-a-visit-hour uk-button-book-a-visit-hour-closed' id='a-book-a-visit' data-book-day='".$book_today_day."' data-book-hour='".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":30'>".number_add_leading_0($book_afternoon_from_hour).":30</a>"; } } } } } $book_output .= "</div>"; } $book_output .= "</li>"; ```
  11. Hello guys. Im not familiar with PHP but I was asked to convert our Homepage which uses a Database to store tickets from 5.x to 7.3.9 . Now I get this error: I'd appreaciate any help from you guys, tia. :)
  12. HI All, I am writing a prepared statement to update some user information. Included in this table are the username and password fields. In this particular form, i dont want the user to have access to this information and have built a form that only shows what i want them to be able to change. The bit that i am not sure about is the prepared statement that i am writing. I am getting a boolean error suggesting that my prepare failed and i think this may be because i have not named every field in the table. To give an idea of the table fields i have pulled this from php my_admin (this is not the sql i am running) UPDATE `ssm_user` SET `user_id`=[value-1],`user_email`=[value-2],`user_password`=[value-3], `user_firstname`=[value-4],`user_lastname`=[value-5],`user_accountlevel`=[value-6], `user_mobile`=[value-7],`user_role`=[value-8],`user_lastlogondate`=[value-9] WHERE 1 my prepared statement is $stmt = $conn->prepare(" UPDATE ssm_user SET user_email=?, user_firstname=?, user_lastname=?, user_accountlevel=?, user_mobile=?, WHERE user_id = ? "); $stmt->bind_param('sssssi', $email, $fname, $lname, $accountlevel, $mobile, $uid); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->affected_rows; Do i have to declare every field in the table or is there something that i am missing here.
  13. Hello everyone, I am a total newbie in PHP and so do here. I am trying to build a table consisting foreign key and primary key and it is showing error like "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'cities' (T_STRING) in line number 29". I have marked up my lines according to sublime text 3 editor. I am trying to create a database. 1 <?php 2 $servername = "localhost"; 3 $username = "username"; 4 $password = "password"; 5 $dbname = "newDB"; 7 // Create connection 8 $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); 10 // Check connection 11 if ($conn->connect_error) { 12 die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);} 14 $firstname = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['firstname']); 15 $lastname = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['lastname']); 16 $address = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['address']); 17 $city = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['city']); 18 $country = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['country']); 19 $phone_number = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['phone_number']); 20 $email = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['email']); 22 // Attempt insert query execution 23 $sql1 = "INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('$city')"; 25 $sql2 = "INSERT INTO countries VALUES ('$country')"; 27 $sql3 = "INSERT INTO Contacts (firstname, lastname, address, city, country, phone, email) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$address', $city, $country, '$phone_number','$email')"; 29 SELECT * FROM cities; SELECT * FROM countries; SELECT * FROM Contacts; if($conn->query($sql1) === true){ echo "City added successfully."; } else{ echo "ERROR: Could not able to execute " . $conn->error; } if($conn->query($sql2) === true){ echo "Çountry added successfully."; } else{ echo "ERROR: Could not able to execute " . $conn->error; } if($conn->query($sql3) === true){ echo "Çontact added successfully."; } else{ echo "ERROR: Could not able to execute " . $conn->error; } // Close connection $conn->close(); ?>
  14. <?php $srs = array(); for ($section = 1; $section < 5; $section++) { for ($row = $section; $row < 10; $row++) { for ($seat = $row; $seat < 20; $seat++) { $srs[] = array( 'section_name' => $section, 'row_name' => $row, 'seat_name' => $seat); } } } output(convert_array($srs)); // Converts the array function convert_array($input) { return $input; } function output($obj) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($obj); echo "</pre>"; die; } ?> I'm trying to convert those array number to string, add implode() to make it happen, but seem PHP didn't recognize variable in $input. Like this implode("Section: ", $input) or (Section: ", $srs). Can you help me? Thanks, Gary
  15. I am developed a custom PHP page with filters, addto cart module, music playlist everything. How can i implement it into WordPress? I am a newbie, any help thanks. My custom PHP work directory structure : location : public_html/my_work website URL : website.com/my_work Everything working good, but my wordpress heaer and footer missing, thats what i am asking to how to implement my custom development multiple PHP page work into Wordpress.
  16. Hello Everyone - I am playing around with some MYSQL and PHP project I have. I ran into a complex problem getting a PHP table filled with data from MYSQL. I will try to explain what I am trying to do: I am trying to do something like this but in PHP. This is my data from MYSQL database. The Table is called Children This is a quick explanation of how each column on the first screenshot should be filled from the database. This code is what I have so far... to be honest i am not sure how to get the totals of rest of the columns. Maybe use I can use subqueries or if statements... not sure! Can you please help me out? $r = mysqli_query($dbc,"SELECT Classrooms.ClassroomName, COUNT(*) AS TotalChildren FROM Children JOIN Classrooms ON Children.classroomID = Classrooms.classroomID GROUP BY Classrooms.ClassroomName");
  17. I am currently streaming my mp4 files perfectly fine using php. My issue is, how do I detect when the video is either no longer being watched, or disconnected? I need to run a function after this so that I know the video is no longer being watched for analytics. Is there a way maybe with sockets or something? I'm currently using this. if (file_exists($request)) { $fp = @fopen($request, 'rb'); $size = filesize($request); $length = $size; $start = 0; $end = $size - 1; header("Content-Type: video/mp4"); header('Accept-Ranges: 0-' . $length); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { $c_start = $start; $c_end = $end; list(, $range) = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2); if (strpos($range, ',') !== false) { header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'); header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $start . '-' . $end . '/' . $size); exit(); } if ($range == '-') { $c_start = $size - substr($range, 1); } else { $range = explode('-', $range); $c_start = $range[0]; $c_end = (isset($range[1]) && is_numeric($range[1]) ? $range[1] : $size); } $c_end = ($end < $c_end ? $end : $c_end); if (($c_end < $c_start) || (($size - 1) < $c_start) || ($size <= $c_end)) { header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'); header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $start . '-' . $end . '/' . $size); exit(); } $start = $c_start; $end = $c_end; $length = ($end - $start) + 1; fseek($fp, $start); header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content'); } header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $start . '-' . $end . '/' . $size); header('Content-Length: ' . $length); ob_end_flush(); $buffer = 8192; $time_start = time(); $bytes_read = 0; while (!feof($fp) && (($p = ftell($fp)) <= $end)) { $response = stream_get_line($fp, $buffer); echo $response; $bytes_read += strlen($response); if (30 <= time() - $time_start) { file_put_contents('/var/www/html/movieCon/'.$user.'_'.$token.'_'.$movie_id.'.con', time()); $time_start = time(); $bytes_read = 0; } } fclose($fp); exit(); }
  18. I'm a newbie, can you please help? I'm getting a mysql error "Unknown column 'E0000001' in 'where clause'" The id is in the URL: ...user-profile.php?id=E0000001 My Query $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM UserList WHERE UserID=".$id) or die (mysqli_error($con)); Thank you
  19. Hello, I hope it's ok to ask this question here. I have a registration script, but I'm not sure how to handle it efficiently and I have some questions about it. This is used in the page 'signup.php'. The class is called 'User'. I haven't noticed any errors or bugs. It would be very useful for me to be aware of my mistakes. public function regUser($uname,$upass,$upassverify) { $new_password = password_hash($upass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); if(!password_verify($upassverify, $new_password)) { // passwords are not the same (I thought it would be better to do this after hashing, but maybe it doesn't matter or it's worse. I'm not sure about it) $info = 'pass_err'; } $stmt1 = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=:uname"); $stmt1->execute(array(':uname'=>$uname)); if($stmt1->rowCount() > 0) { // this username has already been used $info = 'user_err'; } if (!$info) { $stmt2 = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO users(username,password) VALUES(:uname, :upass)"); $stmt2->bindparam(":uname", $uname); $stmt2->bindparam(":upass", $new_password); $stmt2->execute(); // succesfully made an account $info = "success"; } header("Location:/signup.php?status=".$info); exit(); } Am I using the prepared statements as how I should be using them? Is this a safe way of handling my data or do you see vulnerabilities? I'm using PRG to prevent resubmission but I want to show a 'everything is fine' or 'oh no, something went wrong' to the one who is signinup. If I now go to signup.php?status=success, i see 'eveything is fine', without actually signing up, is there a better way to do this or can I somehow prevent everyone being able to see this? As you might have noticed in my last post, my English is not very good, sorry about that. Thanks, Fabian
  20. Observer not triggered and log file not created. app/etc/modules/Gta_KolupadiRestrict.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <modules> <Gta_KolupadiRestrict> <active>true</active> <codepool>local</codepool> </Gta_KolupadiRestrict> </modules> </config> app/code/local/Gta/KolupadiRestrict/etc/config.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Gta_KolupadiRestrict> <version>1.0.0</version> </Gta_KolupadiRestrict> </modules> <global> <models> <gta_kolupadirestrict> <class>Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model</class> </gta_kolupadirestrict> </models> </global> <frontend> <events> <checkout_cart_product_add_after> <observers> <Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer> <type>singleton</type> <class>Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer</class> <method>cartevent</method> </Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer> </observers> </checkout_cart_product_add_after> </events> </frontend> </config> app/code/local/Gta/KolupadiRestrict/Model/Observer.php <?php // Mage::log('fine dude', null, 'logfile.log'); //create class class Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer { //create function public function cartevent(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) { $event = $observer->getEvent(); Mage::log($event->getName(),null,'event.log'); } } ?>
  21. I built an application for a client of mine using PHPRunner about 3 years ago. It has functioned perfectly right up to today when they notified me that they were unable to Export any records. I have attached the error report that comes up when you run Export function. According to the report it is unable to find a file or path. I have been on to server with FTP client and all the paths, files and contents are present. Can anyone please give me any advise on what might suddenly cause this error after many years. All other functionality of the Database is fine. Many thanks, Carl.
  22. I am working PHP project on localhost using wamp, for debug process we using error_log() function, every time error_log() stored details of the error in wamp/logs, how can I view my error in the same project folder like wamp/www/goodgoal/ eg: wamp/www/goodgoal/logs/error_log.log Note : Pls recommend PHP Quick Debug Tricks
  23. Hello, I am creating zip file of multiple files using PHP and downloading it. Problem is that: zip file is getting extracted by only WinRAR, its not getti ng extracted by default windows extracter or other software. Here is code which I have written - $file_folder = 'referral-resume/'; if(extension_loaded('zip')) { if(isset($_POST['files']) and count($_POST['files']) > 0) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip_name = "referralresumes".time().".zip"; if($zip->open($zip_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE) { $error .= "* Sorry ZIP creation failed at this time"; } foreach($_POST['files'] as $file){ $zip->addFromString(basename($file_folder.$file), file_get_contents($file_folder.$file)); } $zip->close(); if(file_exists($zip_name)){ header('Content-type: application/zip'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$zip_name.'"'); readfile($zip_name); unlink($zip_name); } } else{ $error .= "* Please select file to zip "; } } else{ $error .= "* You dont have ZIP extension"; }
  24. I have the following function: public function getData($criteria){ $query = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE "; $crit = ""; foreach($criteria as $column => $value){ if($column = 'bind'){ $crit .= "{$value} "; }else{ $crit .= "{$column} = {$value} "; } } echo $crit; } I'm testing it with getData(['test1'=>'test2', 'bind'=>'AND', 'test3'=>'test4']); But instead of getting "test1 = test2 AND test3 = test4" the echo output is "test2 AND test4". I'm probably too close to see whats wrong, what do you see?
  25. Hello everyone, I am trying to submit a comment in a comment box and send it to the DB but is not happening. The connection is good as I am logging in and all but no data is sent to the DB when I post the comment. It doesn't show in my comment section either. Form <!--comment section--> <?php if(isset($_SESSION['id'])) { echo "<form method='POST' action='" . setComments($conn) . "'> <input type='hidden' name='uidUsers' value='".$_SESSION['id']."'> <input type='hidden' name='posted' value='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'> Comments: <textarea rows = '5' cols = '15' name='body'></textarea><br><br> <button name='commentSubmit' type='submit'>Comment</button> </form>"; }else { echo "Log in to comment!"; } getComments($conn); Function to set and get comments function setComments($conn) { if (isset($_POST['commentSubmit'])){ $user_id = $_POST['uidUsers']; $body = $_POST['body']; $posted = $_POST['posted']; $sql = "INSERT INTO comments (uidUsers, posted, body) VALUES ('$user_id', '$posted', '$body')"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); } } function getComments($conn) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM comments"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $id = $row['uidUsers']; $sql2 ="SELECT * FROM users WHERE uidUsers='$id'"; $result2 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql2); if($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()){ echo "<div class='comment-box'><p>"; echo $row2['uidUsers'] . "<br>"; echo $row['posted'] . "<br>"; echo nl2br($row['body']); echo "</p></div>"; } } }
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