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Windows 7

The Little Guy

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due to the fact that they utterly dominate the markets to the point where I can't just go down to my local store and buy a computer without some version of windows on it, I am certainly not excited about it.


Actually I can.  I was just at a local computer store, Micro Center, and they sell computers with Ubuntu on it. 


You had a typo. I fixed it. ^^


Why wouldn't you be able to buy a Linux machine on the internet?

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Very offtopic, but couldn't resist....



Was just checking one of my old emails that I check every every 2 weeks or so and saw a message talking about the new Hotmail Live thingy.



In regards to storage space, they said this:



"2We've designed Windows Live Hotmail storage to grow with you, but at a reasonable pace. That means you should have plenty of storage unless you suddenly want to store the planet Jupiter on Hotmail, in which case we'll send you a nice e-mail asking you to please not try to store planets on Windows Live Hotmail (although gradual storage of moons and asteroids is ok)."



When did MS get funny?


I guess that means hell froze over, but I do recall seeing a pig fly.

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due to the fact that they utterly dominate the markets to the point where I can't just go down to my local store and buy a computer without some version of windows on it, I am certainly not excited about it.


Actually I can.  I was just at a local computer store, Micro Center, and they sell computers with Ubuntu on it. 


You had a typo. I fixed it. ^^


Why wouldn't you be able to buy a Linux machine on the internet?


Not saying I can't.  My point is, I can't go to a local computer store and buy one at this time.  This makes me cry.

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I wonder how many Microsoft haters post their hate blogs from a Windows machine.  It seems that there's a lot of people who will say they hate Microsoft because it's the cool thing to do.  Open source wouldn't be as cool as it is without companies like Microsoft to compete with.


Microsoft has some very good products.  Windows Server 200x for example.  It's pretty easy for a small company to set up their domain environment and keep things organized.  Yea I'm sure there's Linux alternatives but the windows server environment is familiar and works with all the window's machines bound to be in their offices anyways.

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I wonder how many Microsoft haters post their hate blogs from a Windows machine.  It seems that there's a lot of people who will say they hate Microsoft because it's the cool thing to do.  Open source wouldn't be as cool as it is without companies like Microsoft to compete with.


Microsoft has some very good products.  Windows Server 200x for example.  It's pretty easy for a small company to set up their domain environment and keep things organized.  Yea I'm sure there's Linux alternatives but the windows server environment is familiar and works with all the window's machines bound to be in their offices anyways.


Agreed, active directory is a thing of beauty. 

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due to the fact that they utterly dominate the markets to the point where I can't just go down to my local store and buy a computer without some version of windows on it, I am certainly not excited about it.


Actually I can.  I was just at a local computer store, Micro Center, and they sell computers with Ubuntu on it. 


You had a typo. I fixed it. ^^


Why wouldn't you be able to buy a Linux machine on the internet?


Not saying I can't.  My point is, I can't go to a local computer store and buy one at this time.  This makes me cry.


That is awful, one day...  *Just noticed spell check, cool!*

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Agreed, active directory is a thing of beauty.


Active Directory was ripped off from Novell's NDS at the time. Think it was Netware 5 when MS released 2000 server. I preferred the Novell system!


I've worked with Novell at public schools and I too like it quite a bit.  But in most cases where I've used Novell, all of the client computers are running windows.  It makes more sense to run a windows server if all you're using is windows computers (in my opinion).  Why mix Linux with Windows if you don't have to

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I think Linux would get a better audience if they had more "Wizards", such as install wizards, and setup wizards.


Linux is geared towards at the "geek/hacker" audience, it isn't "six pack Joe" friendly.


I also feel that programs that are Open source aren't comparable to those of which you buy, such as Gimp Vs. PhotoShop and Linux doesn't support other software's unless you download more things (Wine).

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I think Linux would get a better audience if they had more "Wizards", such as install wizards, and setup wizards.


Linux is geared towards at the "geek/hacker" audience, it isn't "six pack Joe" friendly.


I also feel that programs that are Open source aren't comparable to those of which you buy, such as Gimp Vs. PhotoShop and Linux doesn't support other software's unless you download more things (Wine).


Some package managers are making it easier to install programs through a GUI. But you are correct, it is not setup in the same way that people are used to.

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Well, I for one have become very sick of Micro$oft. Between all the complaints I hear about Vista (I'm an XP user, so I can only go by hear-say), having my xbox360 crash and burn on my (referring here to the $1 Billion Red Ring of Death Syndrome), and the fact that their browsers are among the worst out there, I for one couldn't care any less about Windows 7. Instead of MS trying to be more like Apple, they should focus on getting things right (not sure how good Win 7 is going to be..) Leopard / Snow Leopard is next in line for me, as my next computer is an iMac..

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Well, I for one have become very sick of Micro$oft. Between all the complaints I hear about Vista (I'm an XP user, so I can only go by hear-say), having my xbox360 crash and burn on my (referring here to the $1 Billion Red Ring of Death Syndrome), and the fact that their browsers are among the worst out there, I for one couldn't care any less about Windows 7. Instead of MS trying to be more like Apple, they should focus on getting things right (not sure how good Win 7 is going to be..) Leopard / Snow Leopard is next in line for me, as my next computer is an iMac..


I'm running vista64 Ultimate and have no problems.  Many people complain for the sake of complaining.  You can easily modify your system to get rid of annoyances like the UAC.  I don't think Microsoft is trying to be like apple at all.  They built vista with Security in mind, which I think they've been pretty successful.  Now they are listening to customers and changing their user interface for windows 7 and reducing overhead.  I personally think they are moving in the right direction, but time will tell when the OS hits the streets.


I support a 50/50 environment between window and mac, and windows is clearly the better system with less failures.  I've also had tons of problems with apple hardware, which is a different subject.

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Well, I for one have become very sick of Micro$oft. Between all the complaints I hear about Vista (I'm an XP user, so I can only go by hear-say), having my xbox360 crash and burn on my (referring here to the $1 Billion Red Ring of Death Syndrome), and the fact that their browsers are among the worst out there, I for one couldn't care any less about Windows 7. Instead of MS trying to be more like Apple, they should focus on getting things right (not sure how good Win 7 is going to be..) Leopard / Snow Leopard is next in line for me, as my next computer is an iMac..


So because Microdollarsoft has a few bad pieces of software they are a terrible company?  What about Windows Servers?  What about photosynth?  3 wrongs doesn't make it all wrong.  There have been some terrible Linux distros, but I don't hear you talking about that.  Even Apple had quite a rough road to get their software to a decent point.  After Windows ME turned smiles upside down I'm willing to bet you still gave xp a chance.  What's different about the vista -> windows 7 situation?  Also, MS is not trying to be like Apple, I'm not sure how you thought of that sentence.  It's like saying Oprah is trying to be like Steve Irwin, no, she's not.


Microdollaroft? Never heard of them...


I wonder if that would be a legal company name if one of us made it. 

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So because Microdollarsoft has a few bad pieces of software they are a terrible company?


It's not so much the number of bad peices of software that makes them bad. What bothers me most is their mindset on some things. Let's agree that the OS (while on its own is one item) is a big thing and an aging one that needs some serious revamping (which from what I have read in one report, Version 7 is supposed to some degree rectify this. How much remains to be seen in the end I suppose). But the current OS core is old.. and in need of revamping (again, we'll see what it's like in version 7..took quite a while for them to finally start working on that aspect...).


Look at their browser as another example.. once they were number one (version 5 and then finally 6).. they left their foot off the gas. Ok, some might argue that there was not much competition back then, as it was basically them vs Netscape. Fair enough.. but once others like Firefox and Opera showed up, MS still had paid no attention.. until the competition got so serious, MS has found themselves reeling.. They are now behind, and even with version 8, there are reports out there stating that it still will not have caught up to Firefox and friends when it launches as a stable release (beyond Betas and Release Candidates).. I mean, we have this company that is writing a browser for their own OS, and still can't have it perform as well others..Are you kidding me?!? Out of all the major browsers out there, it is the worst performer of them all.. absolutely mind-f$#!@ing astonishing!!!!!  Sit comfy and smug while on top.. They are a corporation of complacency (until things start to catch up to them..when the fire is lit under their ass, then and only then do they start to do something about it. Pretty crappy mentality IMO). Guess they got severely blindsided.. And rightfully so. You rest on your laurels, you'll pay the price sooner or later. Look at all the material out there on 'IE hacks'. What an embarrasement! To add insult to injury, since it is the biggest browser out there, you would think MS would have put in a little effort to make their next versions quite a bit more W3C compliant a little sooner. The lack of this put lots of web developers in a bind, needing to find workarounds while their w3c compliant code worked on all other platforms. This is the MS you praise?


There have been some terrible Linux distros, but I don't hear you talking about that.  Even Apple had quite a rough road to get their software to a decent point.  After Windows ME turned smiles upside down I'm willing to bet you still gave xp a chance.  What's different about the vista -> windows 7 situation?


I don't use Linux.. so it's kind of hard to pass any judgement on that. While you're at it, throw some mobile OSes at me too, since I don't use those either. I'm not implying that other OSes didn't have their fair share of struggles.. not sure where you are getting this insinuation from. Seems everyone as you point out has had their share of problems..Fair enough..I would not imagine it is easy to write / maintain an OS. But look at Leopard.. .for the next release, Apple is revising / optimizing its core. There are apparently not many new things slated for it.. But it is being revamped. I like Apple's stance on things like this. They are not waiting until Leopard's core gets really old.. they are doing some revamping already. To me, this speaks volume about how a company cares about it's OS.


As for the ME OS, I never used it. and as far as XP is concerned, well, that came with the computer (but it won't come with the next one).


Xbox 360... many reports of rushed designs to save money.. But no matter what the actual reasoning is..there is NO denials that the 360 has had so many problems that it has cost MS a lot of money in returns / repairs... man, I'm sure investors are not happy about a company rushing their crap out the door, only to end up costing them a ton of money out of stupidity like that. Again, it's MS mentality.


Ok, so I'll give you points on servers.. But I can turn around and say, just because MS did a few things right, doesn't make them overall right.


If you like MS, fine. Continue to use / support them. We all have choices. I know my next one won't be with them.

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