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Obama Seeks Power to Shut Down the Internet


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Ehh, doesn't seem too harmful to me.

If the president can declare martial law, he can shut down my internets.


It seems extremely harmful to me. Internet is the one place on earth where it isn't completely regulated. You can hear propaganda from any side, you can be apart of any group, and so on. Hopefully it doesn't pass.

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Yeah I think the title is just a *little* mis-leading and dramatic. He's after the authority to shut down anything at will that's related to terrorism, or something of that nature I'm assuming... Of course as far as I know he'd only have jurisdiction within the USA anyway?


Why would he actually want to 'shut down the internet'? Billions of dollars of USA's wealth will be based on it, as well as a hell of a lot other stuff they depend on.

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Unfortunately, it looks like the threat which Jay is most worried about is free speech from Americans who do not approve of Obama’s plans to impose national socialism upon the citizens of the United States.


Only to republican conspiracy theorists.

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From this statement here:


it looks like the threat which Jay is most worried about is free speech from Americans who do not approve of Obama’s plans to impose national socialism upon the citizens of the United States.


I think it is going to shut down sites like Shawn Hannity, Bill Orielly, and that sorts, so that there are no apposing views of his policies.  Thats what I pick up from the article.


Also this part may not be good:


bill will require government licenses of any individual who seeks employment ... in protecting either government or private networks from attack.

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It's amusing when conspiracy nuts get all worked up over a new bill that hasn't even gone to committee and will never make it out of committee.  And that it's somehow Obama's bill even though he's probably never even looked at it, and a republican is one of the 3 co-sponsors on the bill.


It is also amusing when politicians try to interfere with high-tech stuff since it tends to just expose their ignorance.  This bill calls for the licensing of "cyber-security professionals," and creates a national competition to compete, as if this designation means that this person can make everything on the internet safe.  I don't care what government seal of approval someone has, I'm not going to hire the same guy to secure both my Cisco switch and look for a privilege escalation vulnerability in my PHP code. 

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Yeah I think the title is just a *little* mis-leading and dramatic. He's after the authority to shut down anything at will that's related to terrorism, or something of that nature I'm assuming... Of course as far as I know he'd only have jurisdiction within the USA anyway?


usually i'd agree, but the criteria aren't hard, which means he can basically shut down anything if he says they're terrorists. He only has to say the word and he can shut it down



Why would he actually want to 'shut down the internet'? Billions of dollars of USA's wealth will be based on it, as well as a hell of a lot other stuff they depend on.


exactly for economic reasons. Afterall Obama got a large amount of funding from large corporations, just like any other candidate. He can shut things down, because they're competitors of the corporations of those who financially supported Obama.


Bottomline at best this makes Obama corrupt and at worst it makes him U.S. internet version of Silvio Berlusconi


...and don't care to know which one it is, because it's all bad



don't get me wrong i'm not a big fan of the republicans, nor do i like the clintons, but I seriously wish so many americans weren't such gullable fools.

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I think it's funny how people oppose this, as if they have some sort of say in it.  Bottom line is the pres can effectively do any of that already, with or without our permission.  This is their way of "being nice" about doing what they want to do.  The proverbial, "Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," scenario.


Doing it this way (the "nice" way) allows the stakeholders to be a part of the process.  Train and fill those positions themselves, etc...

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That's pretty much what the internet is now :).


You know what I mean. ;)

Although I'd be afraid of restarting the internet. I was born in the early nineties, so I didn't see the worst of it.. but seeing a geocities site for the first time was still a moment I'll never forget.

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That's pretty much what the internet is now :).


You know what I mean. ;)

Although I'd be afraid of restarting the internet. I was born in the early nineties, so I didn't see the worst of it.. but seeing a geocities site for the first time was still a moment I'll never forget.



Oh man....  Geocities was... interesting.

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