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What do you think of GoDaddy's hosting service???


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GoDaddy is a cheap knock off for those who are just getting into developing web sites in PHP.


I'm not sure how you've determined this, but I'd like to hear the facts behind it - it's always been my impression that GoDaddy was the hosting company. They run ads during the Super Bowl, for Pete's sake. :|

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GoDaddy is a cheap knock off for those who are just getting into developing web sites in PHP. It is like the anglefire of PHP web hosting

Wtf? So no one who uses GoDaddy could possibly know what they're doing? I have tried many hosting companies, even used my own server in a datacenter, and I still think GoDaddy is one of the best hosting companies out there. Best of all, they have 24/7 phone support and they fix problems immediately. I have been using them for years with no problems.

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No, but as you've pointed out already those are owned by the same people who own php freaks. Whether or not they are good was not what the poster asked, he asked about GoDaddy. Saying it's like Angelfire is pretty extreme, considering they're very reputable and reliable.


I'm not sure what you were trying to do that "sucked". I'm able to register a domain, get hosting, and have a site public in 20 minutes using them. They even offer PHP 5, something I don't know of many others doing. Do the ones you mentioned? If so, that's cool.


rantsh, you could just get their 3.99 and try it for a month. If you don't like it, you've only lost $3.99, oh noes! :-P It'd be the best way for you to really find out if it will work for you.

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They are cheap, and for the most part reliable, but when you need to do stuff they are a bitch to deal with.  Like, one client just had some of their hosting for emails and not a web site. Hired me a year later to go in and build a site.  Of course i needed more space, bandwidth, php, mysql, etc.  It took them two weeks to get their account upgraded.

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That's what I'm saying, I have used them for over two years and never had trouble upgrading an account, or getting service. They weren't a bitch to deal with for me, as opposed to MediaTemple where you have to wait three days for a response to an urgent bug.


Did you actually call GoDaddy, or is it the client who had trouble doing this?

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I know hosting and Domain names are different things - but Im quite picky about who I buy Domain names off. There are a lot of things such as "who actually owns the domain name" and if you want to take your Domain name with you to another server - godaddy may not allow that. Now they might - I havn't read up on them.


Another thing - I seen on slashdot or digg 2 days ago - that myspace rang them up - said some website had passwords (which were a week old) and godaddy immediately pulled the domain.


On a +side - I did come across cheap ssl certs by godaddy.




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I have been using them for some time. They just happened to have the best deal that I could find for dedicated windows servers. So far I have not had a problem with the service. My only complaint is that there customer service number is not toll free. Other then that they are great.

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I get all of my domains through GoDaddy, they seem to be the fastest in getting the domain up and running. I have had only one client with a hosting package through there and I didn't have any problems with it. I would say try it if you want to, and if you don't like it...try something else. I have hosting accounts from 3 different companies just so I could try them out and I have different uses for each one.

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I really like go daddy hosting, however I think there registrar service should go to hell, IF they are "wild-west domains.com"

I had an account with www.bluehost.com they said there registrar wildwestdomains.com (aka: godaddy.com) which they addressed it at everytime I spoke with them gave me problems.


If www.wildwestdomains.com is the same registrar of go-daddy, I hate them.  There hosting however is very good, I have had many clients that used go-daddy, I always had an easy time getting stuff done, adn getting in touch with them.

They may have just been busy the time you tried to get help on something (a lot of business going at once or something).


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I have used them for registrars myself... and I see many people have a good opinion of them, so I might as well try them out as you all suggest.


As a product of this discussion (steelmanronald06) I visited webhostfreaks and serverpowered.com and they seem quite pricey... anyone else thinks so?


PS: Those of you who have tried it... what control panel do they provide? I believe is plesk but I'm not sure though

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Webhostfreaks uses CPanel (very good), and you get a lot for what they ask.  I mean space wise might be similar to that which godaddy offers at a cheaper price, but the other specs...Emails, databases, bandwidth, etc. Really, it just depends on what you want.  Ever heard the term, "You get what you pay for." ?

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I will jump in with the recommendations to use their domain registration, but I've only used their hosting once, without the greatest results. Part of the problem was that I was ignorant of what I needed at the time, and I didn't take advantage of all they offered (this was a few years ago). I'd definitely be willing to give them another shot if I needed a new hosting package, but recently, I've been using Dreamhost for all my hosting packages (plus, they have a sweet referral program incentives), but I still register domains through GoDaddy. As for control panels, I love Dreamhost: they have their own "home-brewed" c-panel that is very nice, and they have really good turnaround time on propagating new domains/sub-domains/etc.

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yeah site5.com has their own "home-brewed" cpanel, called netadmin.  I like it, but I do wish it offered cpanel as an alternative, because I've only messed around in cpanel a handful of times, and seeing as how cpanel is really popular, I would like to know my way around it better.  Not that netadmin in any way fails to measure up to cpanel. It's just a different style.

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