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Browsers for Windows XP


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I need a list of Browsers for Windows XP.


Currently when I make a site I test it in Firefox, Opera, I.E and Safari on XP. Are there any other well known/commonly-used Browsers that people use 'cause I want to make sure my site works in all of them.


Note: Browsers like Flock that use the same rendering engine as another Browser (Firefox) I don't want to know about, as in Flock will display everything just like Firefox will so I don't need to test it.


Thanks a lot.  :)

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it might seem a little obvious at first, but i'm amazed by how many people miss this one due to only being able to (easily) have only one version at the same time: IE6 vs IE7. IE7 is naturally taking over IE6 users (via auto-updates, people upgrading Windows, etc) but IE6 is still very much the leading browser. Both do things differently enough to treat them as seperate browsers in their own right.

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Ok well I downloaded Avant Browser, I actually kind of like it...  :o


But anyway when I click a link on Avant it has this ugly gray dotted border around it, I remember Firefox had that but I found a way to get rid of it. Anyone know how I can get rid of it? Thanks.

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For those unfamiliar with the concept, if you have only a single PC and want to test IE6 and IE7 concurrently, you can do so with a virtual machine.  It's a little slower but definitely cheaper than putting up a second PC.


I use VMWare.

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Just so you know, Avant Browser uses whatever IE rendering engine is present on your machine; IE 6 & 7, Firefox, and Safari are the only browsers that you need to test. I'm fairly sure Netscape uses the Gecko rendering engine, the same one used in Firefox and other Mozilla products.

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Have a look at Firefox on Windows, then Mac, then Linux - They don't always render the same! Though that might be taking it a bit far, but as I develop mainly on Linux and sometimes on Mac, there's always an XP laptop somewhere close as the general population will be viewing it on Windows based macines...

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SemiA: indeed, firefox on windows is different to firefox on linux.


It is my experience, that:

if I design a website in IE6, it will work in IE7.

if I design a website in IE7, it will be broken in IE6.


I typically use:


http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/  == what you want jcombs.

for testing websites.


For firefox on linux, I pop in a knoppix or ubuntu live cd.



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Id say its a directx versus opengl GTK thing IMO.


Apart from that guess, I think its also about "fonts". I use verdana a lot, and I dont think this comes as default on linux (maybe it does).


A quick quote I got from google about firefox and linux:

"Firefox 3 includes the new Gecko 1.9 rendering engine "


Anyhoo. It did disappointed me on a few occassions.



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Apart from that guess, I think its also about "fonts". I use verdana a lot, and I dont think this comes as default on linux (maybe it does).

I'm running Ubuntu Fiesty and it doesn't come with Verdana.

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Avant is just IE with a different skin. Don't waste time testing both.


And don't forget to test Lynx! If it doesn't work in Lynx, that probably means it won't work for any kind of screen readers, meaning you will be blocking out visually impaired people, which is illegal in some countries.

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Well I don't live in one of those Countries so I couldn't care less and as far as I know most Gamers aren't Blind so it's all good...


You have just incurred the wrath of several people that browse these forums.  Luckily for you, I have cemented your statement within my own post lest you decide to edit yours!  Buahahah

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Well I don't live in one of those Countries so I couldn't care less and as far as I know most Gamers aren't Blind so it's all good...

You could care less about discriminating against people who have done nothing wrong, simply because there is no law in your country that will stop you?


That kind of attitude is what led to womens' and blacks' rights being suppressed for so long, you know.

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No no no...I mean, sigh umm...


You're kinda twisting my words though...how am I discriminating people who have done nothing wrong because I decide not to support certain devices on my Website, that's just silly...the Website is for gamers...gamers usually aren't visually impaired...doesn't mean I don't care less about people who are visually impaired but my Website isn't for them...and yeah if there is no law in my Country then why should I have to do something...

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They can if they have a PC and Javascript enabled, then sure why not let them come I don't mind...  :-X I wouldn't know where to start designing my site for a portable device...I'm new to this whole CSS/HTML Website design thing.

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