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Everything posted by Philip

  1. A big shout out and thanks to @Pikachu2000 for his help around the boards for the past few years & recently stepping up to take over IRC duties. We'd like to honor him with a shiny new badge & cold beer. Congrats!
  2. Hey, if you can live off of that... go for it.
  3. Greedy bastard.
  4. Philip


    The latest (v1.9.2) that is compatible with your browser.
  5. And here I thought I had bad eyesight
  6. It really depends on what you want to do. For example, I already have a tablet PC (the ones before tablets became cool.) It's 5 years old, 12" screen, but it has a keyboard and allows me to touch / doodle on the screen. I'd prefer to code, or really do anything intensive with a keyboard, on this rather than something like my Nexus. However... I enjoy reading / wathcing moves off of the Nexus7 because the screen and weight makes it very comfortable to hold in your hands. It's also a hell of a lot more portable and the battery last logner. Again... it's a matter of what you need it for (thus there will be no right answer.)
  7. If i recall correctly, you need more than 10 posts to use the messaging system here.
  8. I don't think there is enough room for mine on the skin:
  9. The first 3 make sense, the last though... man... I'd likely make a lot of mistakes.
  10. I saw notes that others were playing the beta... so I guess we're just not cool enough.
  11. Dumb question though, when do you know it is a new number? E.g. 234 567 890 - how would you know that it is 2 numbers, 234 and 567,890 and not 234,567,890?
  13. Dan is correct. Once you start formatting it you run into internationalization issues (. vs ,). The only place it bothers me at all is in the admin area, where we have stats and such and with larger numbers (in the millions.) That's a little hard to read, but nothing major.
  14. Dunno about you, but thats how I code!
  15. I don't think so, considering its been 4 years
  16. Oh how I missed these.
  17. Are you taken hostage? Do you need help? Do you see any landmarks nearby that could help S&R teams? I understand the need for this when you are taken hostage. Time must not feel the same when you haven't seen a clock in a long time. Today is October 28, 2012. Nothing fabricated there.
  18. You'll need to disable the WYSIWYG editor (the top left button), paste as plain text (top right, the clipboard icon with a blank paper) or use the WYSIWYG editor's code input (the <> icon on the bottom row).
  19. This is pretty common for fighting forum spam. In any case, should you need to update other information you can visit http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=email until the bug is fixed.
  20. I really would be screwed...
  21. Hmm.. I see the issue. You should be able to now that you have over 10 posts. I'll take this up with the IPB team.
  22. Could explain why we have such shitty load times in the GA reports.. (6-10 sec). However that file usually loads within 200ms for me. If you see it hanging for ga.js, can you screenshot it for me?
  23. Actually, we collect taxes now in order to wear the badge.
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