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Everything posted by ober

  1. That's not even a valid link: http://www.phpfreaks.com/articles/3839/0.php would be an example of valid news that is fed from other sites. I'm not even sure what "news" you're referring to. And there's a lot of stuff on the main site that just doesn't work. Deal with it. We donate our time and we haven't had time to fix stuff.
  2. Wow.... at least you keep that up to date
  3. .... I don't remember ever seeing an interactive map on Wiki.
  4. Yes, but we haven't planned a time yet.
  5. ober


    I guess my reasoning for not writing my own is: 1) Time 2) Security I'd rather use something that has been tested and already developed.
  6. Alright... where to begin? 1) I'd dump the logo unless you're trying to pass yourself off as a MS site. Be origional... make your own logo. 2) http://claninfectionist.com/roster.php needs some formatting... center it... give the words some spacing... do something. 3) The graphics overall are pretty good and I like the overall color scheme. Good job.
  7. A few things I'm not crazy about: 1) The main font is kind of hard to read. You can get tricky with fonts... just not too tricky. 2) The main content area doesn't have a lot of definition. Things are just kind of randomly placed with no clear dividers besides a little extra white space. 3) You have too many colors going on. There is no clear color scheme used in the site. 4) Unless you're somehow selling Firefox, get that ugly banner out of the top of the site. You don't need to shove a browser down someone's throat, especially since it hurts the general feel of your site. 5) No contact form verification. 6) Too much going on with the fonts... there are too many sizes and too many colors. Be consistent.
  8. ober

    Google help

    It used to be all about meta tags. Now the bots are getting smarter and they're actually looking at your content as well. And the more your site is linked to and linked out of, the better your ranking is going to be as well. So start advertising or getting your name/URL out there.
  9. ober


    So I've done my fair share of work around the web. None of it, for whatever reason, has been ecommerce. I'm always working on parts of an ecommerce site or nonprofit type stuff that doesn't need a store. I'm now on the verge of not only opening my own, but doing work for a few clients. So can you all give me tips/advice on what to use and what to avoid? 1) Shopping Carts: I've played with oscommerce... it's nice... I'm not crazy about it. I've heard about Zend cart or something... never used it. 2) What kind of security services do you guys use? 3) What kind of payment options do you use? (merchant accounts/paypal/?) 4) One client I work for takes credit card information but doesn't process it online... he just runs the info through an offline system. Would that actually save anyone much money? 5) Is it worth it to write my own cart? Any other advice would be appreciated.
  10. If you stay on the cell that you're in in that image, you should be able to hit "freeze panes" and it should do what you want. Keep in mind that one part will scroll eventually. I'm not aware of a way to make both stay no matter how you scroll.
  11. No. We will not enhance the core search function. End of story. Talk to SMF if you want upgrades to it.
  12. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,1.0.html PHP Help or one of the DB boards.
  13. Ideas are supposed to come from the designer of the site. If I woke up tomorrow and decided I wanted to be an artist but I didn't know what to paint... how well do you think I'd do? But I'll submit a few: 1) Take your name of your site and turn it into something tangible... "geek ammo"... you could go 2 routes with that... find an image that looks nerdy... a guy in glasses with tape holding them together... a pile of ammo boxes with computer hardware in them or sheets of code in them.. or how about a nerdy looking person holding programming commands instead of guns? That wouldn't be too hard to photoshop. 2) make the design fluid.. (note I did not say fluid width)... right now your site is nothing but a bunch of boxes that don't look good together and aren't aligned properly in all the major browsers. Nothing transitions nicely from one part to the next. I mean... look at the old design. Things look like they fit together and everything looks like it's just part of one big thing... when I look at your new design my mind goes "HEADER COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN FOOTER". When I look at your old site my mind just sees one fluid, integrated site. 3) Seperate, define, populate. You have far too much white space. And as I've said before... just a bunch of floating boxes. Use a color for the "outside" area and a different color for the content area. And take a hint from your previous design... fill the columns on the left and right with more than what you have in the main content area. That should get you started.
  14. http://www.profileflip.com/t.php?action=stats Your headers and content should never look the same. And how about alternating row colors? I see far too many people just dumping data out when they could spend an extra 10 minutes and make it infinitely more readable!
  15. You could always install SMF (www.simplemachines.org) and use the calendar feature built into that. It's pretty good and would achieve what you're after. You could probably even integrate it with a website outside of the actual forums too.
  16. When the other person gets it, have them right-click on the exe and go to properties. Sometimes Windows puts a "block" on certain files. There is probably an "unblock" button in the properties window of the exe.
  17. Looks like 4 million other sites on the web... very boring, very bland, nothing special to make it stand out. You couldn't even be bothered to make an image for the header. And seriously... yellow font on a white background? Are you trying to make us go blind? I'm with the other guy... I'm not sure how you could possibly think this is an upgrade.
  18. A giant thumbs down from me. The graphics look childish and very poorly made. There doesn't appear to be a color scheme... you just have random colors. The layout is also screwed up on the main page, at least in Opera. I didn't try other browsers. And the way you display data isn't very clean. It's like you displayed a single css class to the entire table and thought that was good enough. You should also offer up a login so we can play around if you really want us to test it out. Not being able to get to the content is rather frustrating from a review standpoint. And you should expect us to sign up just to test it for you.
  19. Excellent work Can I make another suggestion? Increase the number you can show per page. On a fast connection, it's reasonable to assume that I'll want to view 25-50 per page... or hell, maybe even all the images. Because by the time I look through the first few, the rest will be loaded.
  20. http://extjs.com/ That might have something that you can use.
  21. ..... you want to show them the image they're uploading from their own computer that they've just selected to upload? And the point in doing that would be... ? I think there is probably a JS library to do it, but I still don't see the point.
  22. I'm not sure how you're doing your JS call, but you could easily pass the names of the specific items to the script through an onclick or onsubmit event. If you're validating all the forms at the same time, you can dynamically grab all the elements on the entire page and just loop through them. If you need to change the style of any of those items, you can reference the offending item and modify it through JS. Post in the JS board... someone can help you get this sorted.
  23. I think you might be misunderstanding the usage of CSS. If the contents of the class or ID never change, why do you have more than one name for it?
  24. IDs have to be unique. How are you grabbing different fields if they're all named the same?!?!
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