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Everything posted by ober

  1. If I had a nickel........ Do you really think eBay really just has a simple script that runs their site? Seriously?
  2. Learn how to ask a question and then learn where to post it. Thread closed.
  3. My guess would be for PDAs.. not so much cellphones... and even so, I doubt many people are running webservers on their PDAs... it's probably more like file processing where you're using local executions of PHP instead of like Java or .NET or some other reduced languages for devices.
  4. Point taken. And I think Opera would have taken a bigger piece of the pie had they removed the ads and made it completely free earlier on. But that's their own fault.
  5. LOL... if you get around to it, I'll be sure to take a picture and post it here I just think it's a quality product with a quality company and it's only a matter of time until more people start to realize it.
  6. >>suffer the same fate as Opera which would be what? Not gaining a large cut of the market? I'd hardly say that's the case since they've expanded into so many other areas that the other browsers haven't. Opera is in everything from phones to video game consoles to a variety of other web-enabled devices. And I would go as far as to say they offer WAY more than the other browsers. What other browser packs half as much into the same app as Opera? And it's all about the little features that keeps me in the Opera ring... a simple thing like "paste and go" from a context menu is invaluable as far as I'm concerned, yet no other browser offers that stuff out of the box.
  7. Their numbers are skewed on that front page. http://www.entropysink.com/forums/index.php?topic=4313.0 for more info. I'm still curious to see it, but the only thing Opera doesn't have that it does is the resizing of text boxes... which I'm not sure I'd use anyways.
  8. ober


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  9. It's been a while since that first post and a lot of things have changed, so I thought I'd provide a few more details on myself as well as a few updates. My name is Ben and I'm now 27.  I'm a hair under 6'3" and a hair over 200 lbs.  Some might think that's hefty... but I'm a pretty big guy and I'm pretty fit, but who couldn't lose 5-10 lbs? Anywho... my daughter is now almost 6 months old and she takes up a lot of my time.  My 9-5 job is working as a Systems Analyst which is basically just a fancy term for a glorified Project Manager.  I'm in the healthcare industry and my company provides 2 main products, one of which will be shut down in 2009.  I'm the system owner (read "I approve everything about the product") of our main product and I pretty much control the requirements and everything about the product.  I'm the bridge between our development team and our services team.  It's an interesting job, but a far cry from the programming job I had previously. I didn't really get into computers until after high school.  I used the family Pentium I 75Mhz computer to play video games and screw around in DOS messing with memory to maximize my games.  I then went to Kettering University in Michigan to get my BS in Computer Engineering.  We programming in C, ASM, Pascal, Java, etc.  I took database and OS classes in addition to the programming classes and I pretty much got my brain soaked in electrical engineering type stuff.  That and physics.  I hate physics. While in college, I had an internship where I wrote some basic logging software and maintained some other software for an electric company dispatch center.  I also wrote my Bachelor's thesis with that company which involved some handheld PC software to do field inspections of electric substations.  I also started some web development while there and produced my first real website for a company that the electric company owned. I left there after college and went to work for another company in a diesel engine lab.  That's when I ran into PHP.  I developed a multi-level intranet site for that company using PHP and MSSQL (not MySQL).  That was probably some of my best work to date and used a ton of different technologies to do graphing and data analysis and reporting.  If I had stayed there, I probably would have taken over the international data reporting routines for the entire company.  (It was a worldwide company). Now on top of my 9-5 job, I maintain my side business that I've had going since '98 where I do web design, build computers and help people with networks or whatever they need.  Needless to say, it's keeping me busy. So I think that's enough for now.  Glad to see this thread is continuing on.  I'd encourage the rest of you to update it regularly.
  10. And it would still be your opinions. That fact does not change.
  11. I'll suggest it to the writer of the mod to see what he can do. However, wouldn't you most likely be reading the thread when you realize it's solved? I guess you're likely to go back after testing something... but I'd say it's about 50/50.
  12. You could do all of that in either. However, unless you're fairly skilled with installations and understanding of basic hardware config, I'd stick to Windows.
  13. Maybe if it was a little closer to home...
  14. Please check the sticky at the top of this board. Thanks!
  15. You must enable the mssql library in php.ini and there are a few other configurations to do as well depending on your OS. http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mssql.php
  16. Linux hands down. There's the first uninformed post in the thread.
  17. Wow... talk about a loaded question. There is no "better" OS... they both have their own strengths and weaknesses.
  18. Did you try google??
  19. Start a thread in misc... there's not enough interest to open a new board about it.
  20. ? There's not much about a web business that makes it different from any other business. You make money, you get taxed on it, and you pay for crap out of the money you make. What's so special about it? What are you asking them that makes them seem to not know the "special" stuff about accounting. And there's no special "tricks". Just deduct what you spend for the business (office furniture, possibly your internet connection, possibly rent/part of your mortgage if you use your office solely for work, gas to get to a client's office, etc).
  21. ......... you could open a thread here?
  22. Everyone. The database server was down for a rather long amount of time.
  23. If you're asking a bunch of programmers on a web forum how to plan your business strategy, I'd say you've got a lot to learn.
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