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Everything posted by trq

  1. Sorry, but I would suggest you find a new hobby. This really isn't working out.
  2. Don't use the global keyword, do as kicken suggested and pass $dbconn in as a param.
  3. Time doesn't stand still in the world of technology I'm afraid.
  4. I typically develop applications on top of some framework. Most (all) of these frameworks come with things like authentication built in.
  5. I'm not sure what resource it is you are using to learn PHP but its well out of date. There are numerous issues with this code. If you are looking for something that is free, reasonably up to date, and easy to follow. I would recommend: http://www.tuxradar.com/practicalphp
  6. What have you done to debug the issue?
  7. trq


    Do you have a question?
  8. Then why didn't you ask simply that question? To answer that question: yes.
  9. The logic is no different to pagination using a proper database. Still stuck?
  10. You forgot to ask a question.
  11. But you don't know how to do it? That makes no sense.
  12. Are you sure you are not able to find examples of how this is done already? I mean, it's very common scenario. Hell, there is even a few jQuery plugins around that handle this. Where exactly are you stuck?
  13. You are really not helping.
  14. Define "not working".
  15. What have you tried?
  16. Assuming you are asking if larger sites are generated dynamically on each request, or as contents change a static site is generated? Generally, the later. What is the term for it? Dynamic Site Generation.
  17. You need to browse to your server with your web browser. http://localhost
  18. if ($age > 10 && $age < 20) { // $age is between 10 and 20 }
  19. yes you could, where are you stuck?
  20. Filezila is an FTP client and server, nothing at all to do with php. WinSCP, I assume is a Windows scp client, again, nothing at all to do with php. You want to setup a http server on your local machine? Is that what you are really saying? The thing with forums is you need to be very clear and specific when describing your issues. None of your posts in this thread have made a great deal of sense.
  21. Is that a question? I don't understand it.
  22. You would have multiple records in your database.
  23. CI is dead, so I'm not sure how that got in your top 3.
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