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Everything posted by trq

  1. We are going to need a lot more information about exactly what it is you are doing.
  2. Do you have a specific issue?
  3. As Strider has mentioned, just use password_compat and be done with it. https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat
  4. You are missing a quote: Condition='$Condition should be: Condition='$Condition'
  5. That would completely depend on your ability, and the amount of differing data that you have. How long is a piece of string?
  6. So where is bing_results defined?
  7. Is not a valid SQL statement.
  8. The highest id is not necessarily the same number as the number of rows. What if you delete a row? Anyway... SELECT id FROM tbl ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
  9. You need to define what you mean by "last row". Relational databases don't store data in any particular order. If you really want to know what the last row inserted was, you will need to store a timestamp with each record, then find the latest record using that.
  10. Because your query is failing. Meaning $result is the boolean false.
  11. Firstly, why would you ever need this information?
  12. So attach it to a class instead of an id. ps: I moved your thread as it has nothing at all to do with Ajax.
  13. This board is for website critique. Your OT.
  14. We have 1100+ clients, who all have copies of our code in there servers. We do however maintain these servers for the clients but that is beside the point. In like the last 7 years there has been one instance of someone breaking their license agreement by trying to use our code outside of it. As for static site generation. I use it because i prefer to add content to my sites via vim and git rather than using some web interface. My sites source code is available (and the app I created to generate it) at the links in the bottom right corner of the site. You'll have to excuse the design of that thing, I got half way through converting it and couldn't be bothered to be honest.
  15. License agreements. Obfuscating code won't achieve much.
  16. trq

    open fsockopen

    You have missed the entire point of this forum.
  17. It's not clear exactly where you are stuck. Being a PHP development board, I would assume you are wanting to create your own program to generate reports. Where are you stuck?
  18. These types of requests need to be posted in the freelance board. Were not here to just fix/write code for people.
  19. No idea, what the Smarty() method does, but it looks like its depricated somehow. Just replace: $this->Smarty(); with parent::__construct();
  20. This is a non issue thanks to namespaces.
  21. There is an example on the page I linked you to. It's also a very well documented spec, where exactly are you lost?
  22. Just install something like Xamp if you can't figure out how to install things yourself.
  23. Do yourself a favour and follow a standard. https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md You can then use any number of implementation that already exist including composers auto loader. Though to be fair, you can use composers auto loader without being PSR-0 compliant, but anyway.
  24. Must have missed this? http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/150979-this-board-is-not-a-code-repository/
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