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Everything posted by trq

  1. vim for Windows? Yuk.
  2. The error is pretty clear. $GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'] is not an array. You need to find where it is defined and fix it.
  3. Functions, Methods and Classes all have their own scope. Variables that are defined within them, do not exist outside of them and vice versa.
  4. The description of your issue is near useless. What is localhost? What is WinSCP? What tunnel, what proxy? What does your issue have to do with PHP?
  5. I don't see how this relates to PHP?
  6. What is the issue exactly?
  7. Sounds like the code is dated. What the hell is backendpro anyway? I would look for an alternative.
  8. You haven't told us what the problem is.
  9. Are you sure Apache has permission to access the files?
  10. Your question is vague at best.
  11. Your code?
  12. Nothing in your code and very little within Wordpress are PHP objects. Just saying.
  13. The description of your problem doesn't really help. Can you post some code and try again?
  14. What part of the installation instruction do you not understand? Its a single file.
  15. Its a PHP library. Meaning it is written in PHP. You don't need to edit the php.ini. There is installation instructions on the very page you linked to. But yeah (assuming you have no idea what composer/packagist is), its just a single PHP file that needs to be included wherever you plan on using it.
  16. Does $_GET['item_id'] exist?
  17. We do not delete accounts. If you don't want it, don't use it, simple.
  18. And you are stuck where? Can we see your code and as description of the problem?
  19. I'm not sure you are going to find a tutorial that covers something so specific. And again, unless you have specific problems, its going to be pretty hard for people to help. This isn't exactly the simplest of tasks for a new comer to take on. I would be more inclined (if I were you) to try and find an open source solution to your problem.
  20. If you make something yourself you can use that as part of the portfolio so....
  21. It's all documented in the manual. http://au1.php.net/password password_compat simply provides a compatibility layer for users not yet using 5.5 (most people).
  22. It would be more helpful if you posted the code relevant to the errors you are receiving.
  23. Surely you are better of putting the content in the actual div instead of into a Javascript variable? <div id="dialog"> {% include 'catalogue_form.html' %} </div>
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