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IE gets a kick in the nuts


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This is BS. I mean, I hate IE, don't get me wrong... but it's not like you can't install other browsers on Windows at all. I can still install firefox, chrome, opera, etc, on windows at anytime.


I think they are just trying to see how far they can push Microsoft, and get away with it.


Computer users are already able to download and install different broswers but patience is required as well as a minimum of expertise, whereas the new approach is intended to make it easy for novices to choose right from set-up.

COME ON?! Really?! Let's just promote a lazy society.

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I like the idea, but I think it is retarded that they were "forced" to do it. I mean seriously, they own that operating system. They should have the discretion of what to put on there. You do not see them targeting Mac OS or Linux to force them to allow for Internet Explorer to be chosen as an install.


How do they have the right to enforce it? If I made my own operating system I would prefer to use my own browser and not be forced to add 3rd party browsers to my operating system, even if they are better.


I think that is such bullshit.

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You do not see them targeting Mac OS or Linux to force them to allow for Internet Explorer to be chosen as an install.


Special laws apply to Microsoft because of their monopoly. OS X and Linux do not have are not monopolies on the OS market, so those rules don't apply to them. It may be a stupid law, but seeing as it is a law it does have to be followed.


That being said, IE only runs on Windows so it's impossible to force other operating systems to include it even if you wanted to do it.

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I really don't see what people's problem with this ruling is. The fact is having it as the only pre-installed browser on the largest operating system made it the de-facto standard. Most 'normal' people wouldn't have a clue about the name of another browser, let alone how to install one. My parents both have jobs that require basic computing skills such as word processing, but I doubt either could successfully install a browser without me prompting them how. Providing alternatives is hurting nobody the people that still want to use IE can do. Microsoft make no extra money out of people using their browser as it comes free with the O/S (which is the whole gripe in the first place) so even they aren't really being hard done by.

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Special laws apply to Microsoft because of their monopoly...


That being said, IE only runs on Windows so it's impossible to force other operating systems to include it even if you wanted to do it.


Gotcha, that does make sense.


As far as them including the extras, it will be nice; however, I just do not see why that would matter if they included them or not, but oh well. I guess I do not have to be able to see why :)

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Really? There's people out there that don't know how to "click on an icon, click next next next finish?"  Are they expecting microsoft to include this auto-install as part of the initial OS setup when you first open the box? These same people who supposedly are so fucking stupid they can't install something from an install wizard are not going to know or care what the difference between these browser choices are.  Forcing microsoft to present multiple browser install choices in their OS setup will do nothing but make the process harder for these "novices". 


This is bullshit. 

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Since you know how to use a computer I feel your deluded as to other peoples abilities, what percentage of computer users do you think have ever installed an operating system? I'm sure they can click next, next, next, but they would never actually have the confidence to do so. Assuming the simple ability to perform the individual actions equates to being able to achieve the task successfully is dumb. Just because you can turn a steering wheel and push some pedals doesn't mean you can drive. It's my understanding that the whole idea is the first time you run windows (9.9 times out of 10 from an OEM install) you will get the option of the default browser.

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Since you know how to use a computer I feel your deluded as to other peoples abilities, what percentage of computer users do you think have ever installed an operating system? I'm sure they can click next, next, next, but they would never actually have the confidence to do so. Assuming the simple ability to perform the individual actions equates to being able to achieve the task successfully is dumb. Just because you can turn a steering wheel and push some pedals doesn't mean you can drive. It's my understanding that the whole idea is the first time you run windows (9.9 times out of 10 from an OEM install) you will get the option of the default browser.


But see all those points you made are actually against you.  That's the point I am making.  If someone is not versed enough to to even point and click the next button stuff, then how is presenting them with even more options going to benefit them?  It's not.  They are going to promptly call their "tech" family member or "geeksquad" type person and ask them which browser they should pick, and virtually every single "tech" person out there is going to inwardly groan at yet one more stupid thing they are being called upon for. 

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Yeah a prombt would come and say , what browser would like to use? With a modal of browsers shown. Of course  they will probably call up their tech knowing friends and go "Hey what browser do  I pick?, help!".


But see all those points you made are actually against you.  That's the point I am making.  If someone is not versed enough to to even point and click the next button stuff, then how is presenting them with even more options going to benefit them?  It's not.  They are going to promptly call their "tech" family member or "geeksquad" type person and ask them which browser they should pick, and virtually every single "tech" person out there is going to inwardly groan at yet one more stupid thing they are being called upon for. 

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Yeah a prombt would come and say , what browser would like to use? With a modal of browsers shown. Of course  they will probably call up their tech knowing friends and go "Hey what browser do  I pick?, help!".


Or they'll just click the "blue E" aka "The Internet".

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Yeah a prombt would come and say , what browser would like to use? With a modal of browsers shown. Of course  they will probably call up their tech knowing friends and go "Hey what browser do  I pick?, help!".


Or they'll just click the "blue E" aka "The Internet".



Hahahhaa....  Oh man...  The joys of "Ok everyone, open the Internet."  "Teacher!  I don't see it."  Even before I was into heavy computers that used to amuse me.





I imagine it will be something like this:





Or did MS already try that?  I remember reading on slashdot something about that.



(P.S.  Yeah, I really took the time to make that in paint....  That's how you know when I have finals.)

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I don't think they need to go beyond the 'big 5' browsers out there... I mean, aside from those 5, who is left with a significant enough market share? I mean, isn't Opea the least of big 5 (sitting at around %1 or something like that?). In either case, 12 is too much imo. The big 5 would more than suffice. Oh well.  :shrug:



If I had my way, IE would either be dropped completely ( that would be my primary choice to be honest ), -or- at the very least change the engine over from Trident to the latest Webkit (Yeah, I know.. like that's ever going to happen.. too many implications I suspect, especially with regards to corporations and their intranets and whatnot.. still, we all know Webkit is better by far). It's nice to fantasize.. but that's all it will remain.. if there is one nugget of good news, it's that IE's shares are slowly but surely tanking like the Titanic.. will IE8, 9 and beyond manage to stop the bleeding of defectors and even reverse the trend? If we're lucky, no.


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Foolish people.  As of right now, my employer only cares about catering to IE6-8, FF, Chrome, Opera, and Safari 3-4.  Most companies more or less follow the same pattern.  Forcing Microsoft to showcase 12 different browsers... can you imagine the nightmare in development that will ensue from having to add more browsers/versions to cater to to the list?


Fucking stupid ass people who don't bother to think things through.

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I thought the ability to uninstall it would be enough, Including other browsers sounds downright stupid.


But atleast with Firefox, The majority of web developers will obviously agree they only develop for FF and not IE. So maybe it's time to move the population of non-tech savvy people to the, well, standards.


PS: IE has an Alexa transponder in it, always has, tracks usage, that's how Alexa is so informatical and a monopoly for web tracking.

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But atleast with Firefox, The majority of web developers will obviously agree they only develop for FF and not IE.


So the majority of web developers do not bother with the browser with the highest % of users?


Well the saying goes, Develope it for Firefox, Hack it for IE. If you notice so many millions of sites include 'ie only' CSS/JS etc. Firefox should rise, er, out of the ashes, and claim over IE's poor rendering problems.

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Well the saying goes, Develope it for Firefox, Hack it for IE. If you notice so many millions of sites include 'ie only' CSS/JS etc. Firefox should rise, er, out of the ashes, and claim over IE's poor rendering problems.


Yeah..I used to say those thing, and assume nobody catered to IE...until I actually started doing web dev as a real job.

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is this in urasia? or ni usa as well?


European Union decides somewhat the laws of it, I'm not 100% sure what they are, funny me, but yeah it effects Microsoft globally.


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