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Everything posted by ober

  1. Oh where to begin? 1) No hover effect on the menu 2) No padding or seperation for the footer 3) No seperation for the right side menu area... it's just kind of... "there" 4) all your forms have these teeeeny tiny little boxes to type in. If you actually wanted to type something of any length in there, you'd go insane. 5) One form has a background color... another does not... be consistent. 6) Some links have the underline... others do not. Be CONSISTENT. 7) The request form is FUBARed in Opera. The banner image looks like you didn't have enough time to finish it. It looks half-assed. 9) The FAQ could be laid out better... why smush all that content into one small area? You have the entire page to fill... USE IT. And worst of all, as I feared, the entire thing is designed with tables. Ick.
  2. Reboot the modem, then the router (if you have one), then your PC.
  3. What do you mean "it won't let you".
  4. Start->Run->cmd->Enter >ipconfig /release >ipconfig /renew If you lose the connection from the modem, you always have to renew your configuration.
  5. I like this type of implementation, personally: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox/ By "zoomed in"... I'm assuming that the image you're showing in the gallery isn't full-size. If you click on it to get a "closer" view, you should show the image in it's full size. Post again when you get more of the stuff implemented. Good job implementing the current stuff. One thing you might want to think about is limiting the number of pages you show for selection. So if you have 40 pages in an album, you only see 2-3 pages on either side of the page you're on. Example: 1 2 3 > >> << < 5 6 7 8 9 > >> I'd use single and double arrows to "jump to next" and "jump to beginning/end". EDIT: you'd probably want to use small gifs for those instead of the actual > character.
  6. Wow... google must be getting harder to use for some people. http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=firefox+3+alpha&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
  7. Sorry, that's what bumping is for.
  8. Yikes: 1) It's very blue. I'd suggest using an alternative color as well because everything just kind of blends together. You should also have darker colors in the background and ligher colors in the actual content area. It helps to direct the user's eyes to the right stuff. 2) If I hit upload without selecting a file, it still goes through the process of trying to upload, but it doesn't give me any errors. ?? 3) If you're going to tell me I can't do something without logging in, why not hide that stuff until I do? 4) Why can I only add 1 upload box? 5) When I think "sleek uploads"... I want more than the ability to upload single files by selecting one at a time. If you really want this to take off, write a client side piece that can grab multiple files at once or grab all the files out of a folder. 6) The logo is pretty weak and doesn't exactly make me think "sleek".
  9. A few comments: 1) Why do you have an extra bar for the login link? Can't you combine that with the "submenus"? 2) Use a darker background color outside of the actual content area. It helps to focus the eye on the actual content. 3) I'm with the fixed width comment. I think it'll actually flow much better plus it'll make it seem like you have more content (which seems a little sparse at the moment). 4) Your "verification" idea on the contact form is pretty weak. I'd suggest using a Captcha script instead.
  10. ober

    New Site

    I only have a few major comments: 1) Too many colors... I'd reduce the number of colors that you're using... match the header background area (where you have the logo) with some of the other colors on the site. Lose the black in the footer. Your eye gets drawn to the footer and that should be the last thing they really need to see. 2) Increase the font size. People don't want to strain to read a site. 9pt or 10pt at least should be used everywhere. 3) Padding... I found a few pages where there wasn't enough padding around the content. Good luck.
  11. Needs some serious work IMO. Everything is so very similar. Nothing is different. All the pages look exactly alike. It also doesn't look like you have much going on. The lack of content makes me want to find a better source for what you're pushing. It just feels empty.
  12. 1) Don't put the specs in the column on the left. That's where most people expect to find categories or links to other products. 2) Consider using tabs in the product area that will quickly swap in the specs/other images/etc. 3) Move it to a paid hosting site. The ugly banner ad at the top will not fly on a professional site. 4) Use a footer. The bottom of the site just drops off into nowhere. 5) List products on the left. 6) The menu isn't as visible as it probably should be. It doesn't stand out and people will probably have to look longer than they should to find it. 7) The main logo image at the top is overpowering and not very professional looking. The leaf is good... the "Products" part is good... the "Healthy Homes" part looks like something out of the late 90's. That's probably enough to start on... post again when you have more content to show.
  13. It's pretty bland and boring. I'd throw some more images in there, especially for a site that basically sells an image. The banner area is very boring and while I like the navigation for a personal site, I don't think it'll fly on a professional site. To sum it up in a word... I'd have to call it "simple". Might also help to see more content as well. There's just not much to get a feel on.
  14. Me think's you're screwing with PS. I just ran that in FF before I posted, so I know for a fact that it doesn't work.
  15. Andy... it's a company laptop, so I'm not worred about the cost. But thanks for the suggestion
  16. I think it's pretty good... the only thing I'd suggest is adding more functionality options. 1) Ability to show more than 6 per page. 2) Ability to do next/previous without clicking the page number (show next/previous links/buttons). 3) Open "zoomed in" view in new window or use a flashier way to view the larger images. 4) Use preview images on the "category" page. 5) Make the "currrent page" more obvious. It's pretty good... just needs some sprucing up!
  17. Try to run this in your precious FF: http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.html#top
  18. Did you even read what I wrote? The browser stats have nothing to do with the comment I made about Opera having a large portion of the mobile market. I mainly stuck the link in there to correct your FF browser stats. It's actually quite a bit higher than you said. And FF still doesn't pass the ACID test. Opera (and I think Safari) are the only ones that hold that title.
  19. I'd say C# or Java, but the rest have a valid point... what is your goal?
  20. http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp And to say that Opera is mainly for phones is a little ... well... wrong. Opera has a large part of that market, I'll give you that. But it's also the MOST standards compliant browser available. IMHO, designers should design in Opera and then tweak for the other less-standards compliant browsers. That's how I work and it causes me less headaches across the board.
  21. Nevermind... did some more testing. Battery is completely shot.
  22. Ok, so a little background first: I was working in the airport on my latop and I had it plugged in. I had several things open at the time and I just closed the lid because I wanted to work on the plane. I got on the plane and decided to watch the movie they were playing first. When I pulled my laptop out again, it wasn't hibernating and no matter what I did, it would not turn back on. I got home, plugged it in the next morning and it booted up to an error message along the lines of "security error: something has been tampered with". So I brought it back into work and dropped it in the docking station and it booted fine. I'm currently typing on it now and it reports a 100% charge, yet the goddamn battery light is blinking. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? Is my battery fried possibly? Sidenote: the latop is a IBM Z60m Thinkpad.
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