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Everything posted by ober

  1. Effigy, I hate to beat a dead horse, but I think I need to provide perspective from a hiring point of view, at least in the US: I'm in charge of hiring for a specific group within my company and we use Monster to try and find good applicants. One of the requirements we stick in there is that you must have a college degree. If you don't you won't even turn up in our search results. And all of our job descriptions specify that a 4-year degree is required. Certifications and tons of experience just don't get you in the door at most places anymore.
  2. Load times are fine... but I imagine some of it is cached... it was a little slow the first time I pulled it up. Looks good, but possibly just slightly choppy on the spin. Might look good to add a little "sparkle" on the tip of the guitar or the mic or something. Sidenote:... the music is kind of generic... not really "original", IMO.
  3. Care to share how it happened? You normally have to do something pretty severe to flip a vehicle.
  4. Finish school. No questions asked. Granted, they could probably hire you and treat you well for a while, but what are you going to do when you're done with that job or something happens? That's right. You're screwed. While I agree that in a perfect world, the paper would be useless, but the fact remains that most companies won't even look at you without a degree.
  5. Might be helpful to provide a dropdown to specify a certain snippet... you might want to collect their email address too. And provide some kind of error message if they don't fill it out correctly. Oh, and you should probably make a name/email address required for submission.
  6. Glad you're ok... looks pretty serious! Was everyone else ok?
  7. Ya. Just doesn't do it for me.
  8. I'm not crazy about the little image under the title portions of the image details. Looks kind of cheesy. Other than that, I think it's looking great. Small note: on the "add a comment" section, at least in opera: [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. That section of the site is being worked on and partially re-written.  I don't have a timeline on how long it will take.
  10. What makes it work for any situation??? Possibly the fact that RSS feeds all use the same format and tags? The code is really quite simple. If you spend more than five minutes with it, I really think you'll be able to figure it out.
  11. I for one am against child boards... they don't get used and I think it's a waste of time. This topic came up in the past and what it boiled down to was the fact that not many OOP questions are posted, so why seperate them?
  12. This has been discussed over and over and OVER. Thread closed. If you can't understand the logic behind why we did it, then go find another forum that doesn't annoy you.
  13. ober


    What do you know about it? I've figured out that it is Yahoo's proprietary display language and it runs on Lisp... question is, can I take all the templates and move it to another server not run by Yahoo? If any of you have experience working with this crap, I'd appreciate it. I want to get a Yahoo store moved off of Yahoo but the owner is worried about the look/features of the current store. I know I can re-write the entire thing and I'd love to get him off of the RTML, but it would mean writing him a custom CMS. Discuss.
  14. I'm in agreement with the others... based on what you're rating, the rating system probably differs.
  15. Without really digging into it to figure out a better way, I'd say that's pretty efficient.
  16. This is not VBulletin. Either make requests like this on www.simplemachines.org or stop complaining.
  17. Alright... well that introduces a bunch of other problems. 1) Are we working with an 8 hour day or are these time slots on a 24 hour basis? 2) Are the time slots simply split up evenly between the two points or are they allotted based on a certain number of hours? 3) If they are back to back, is there a break in between? Details man, details.
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